Online Auction 04 - History of the Jewish People in Eretz Israel and in the Diaspora
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Displaying 13 - 24 of 510
Online Auction 04 - History of the Jewish People in Eretz Israel and in the Diaspora
September 21, 2016
Opening: $150
Sold for: $275
Including buyer's premium
Promptuarii Iconum, Insigniorum a seculo, hominum, subiectis eorum vitis, per compendium ex probatissimis autoribus desumptis/Promptuarii Iconum, Pars secunda incipit a Christo nato, perpetuam ducens feriem ad usque Christianissimu Francorum Regem Henricum hoc nomine secundum, hodie feliciter regnantem, Guillielmum Rouillium. Published by Guillielmum Rouillium, Lyon, 1553. Latin and French.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 04 - History of the Jewish People in Eretz Israel and in the Diaspora
September 21, 2016
Opening: $200
Sold for: $688
Including buyer's premium
Jüdisches Ceremoniel, oder, Beschreibung dererjenigen Gebräuche [Jewish ceremonies and customs], by Paul Christian Kirchner. Nuremberg: Peter Conrad Monath. 1726.
Detailed description of Jewish customs and ceremonies, in the 18th century in Germany, by Paul Christian Kirchner. With 30 engraving plates (all folded except one), depicting various Jewish customs, laying of Tefilin, Succoth, reading the Megilah, and more.
[6] leaves, 226, [18] pp + [30] engraving plates. 21 cm. Good condition. Restored copy. Ex-libris. Stains. Vellum binding with some worming.
Detailed description of Jewish customs and ceremonies, in the 18th century in Germany, by Paul Christian Kirchner. With 30 engraving plates (all folded except one), depicting various Jewish customs, laying of Tefilin, Succoth, reading the Megilah, and more.
[6] leaves, 226, [18] pp + [30] engraving plates. 21 cm. Good condition. Restored copy. Ex-libris. Stains. Vellum binding with some worming.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 04 - History of the Jewish People in Eretz Israel and in the Diaspora
September 21, 2016
Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
Sacri Iudaeorum Ritus Antiqui Secundum Res Gestas Et Dogmata Illorum Ad Codicis Sacri Utriusque Foederis Illustriationem Descripti a M. Ioanne Leonhardo Reckenbergero [Jewish history, customs and ceremonies…]
Published by Rudolphi Croekeri [Jena], 1730. Latin and Hebrew.
With 12 plates (folded, except for one); a table, engraved maps of Eretz Israel, the Tabernacle, Jerusalem, the Temple and more.
[8] leaves, 730 pp, [27] leaves + [12] engraving-plates, 17.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains and creases. Worming. Ink stamps. Tears to binding. Lacking spine.
Published by Rudolphi Croekeri [Jena], 1730. Latin and Hebrew.
With 12 plates (folded, except for one); a table, engraved maps of Eretz Israel, the Tabernacle, Jerusalem, the Temple and more.
[8] leaves, 730 pp, [27] leaves + [12] engraving-plates, 17.5 cm. Fair condition. Stains and creases. Worming. Ink stamps. Tears to binding. Lacking spine.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 04 - History of the Jewish People in Eretz Israel and in the Diaspora
September 21, 2016
Opening: $150
Sold for: $400
Including buyer's premium
Philologus Hebraeo-Mixtus, unà cum Spicilegio philologico, continente decem quaestionum & positionum praecipuè philologico-Hebraicarum & Judaicarum centurias by Johann Leusden. Basel: E. & J.R. Thurnisios, 1739. Latin and some Hebrew.
Book about the Jewish religion and philosophy by Johann Leusden (1624-1699), a Dutch theologian and Hebraist, professor of Hebrew in the University of Utrecht. With fine engravings, depicting various Jewish customs: baking Matzah, lighting Shabbat candles, Huppa, Brith Milah, and more.
[6] leaves, 489, [11] pp + [8] engraving plates, 20 cm. Good condition. Stains. Ink stamp. Damaged binding.
Book about the Jewish religion and philosophy by Johann Leusden (1624-1699), a Dutch theologian and Hebraist, professor of Hebrew in the University of Utrecht. With fine engravings, depicting various Jewish customs: baking Matzah, lighting Shabbat candles, Huppa, Brith Milah, and more.
[6] leaves, 489, [11] pp + [8] engraving plates, 20 cm. Good condition. Stains. Ink stamp. Damaged binding.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 04 - History of the Jewish People in Eretz Israel and in the Diaspora
September 21, 2016
Opening: $100
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
Jüdische Geschichte von der Erschaffung der Welt bis auf gegenwärtige Zeiten. Aus dem Dänischen ins Deutsche übersetzt von Georg August Detharding [Jewish history from the creation of the world until current days] / Jüdische Geschichte von der unumschränkten Regierung der Makkabäer, bis auf gegenwärtige Zeiten [Jewish history from the days of the Maccabeans until the current day], by Herrn Ludwig Holberg. Published by Gebrüder Korte, Altona and Flensburg, 1747. German.
A volume compiling two parts composed by Danish author and historian Ludwig Holberg, about Jewish history from the creation of the world until the author's days. With engravings on title pages of both parts, as well as an engraved portrait of the author on the page facing the title page of the first part. Translated from Danish into German by Georg August Detharding.
[1] engraving plate, [13] leaves, 714 pp; [6] leaves, 719 pp, 22 cm. Good condition. Nazi ink stamp on title page of second part: "Institute for Study of the Jewish Question, the National Institute for the Study of a New Germany". Stains. New endpapers. Vellum binding, worn and damaged.
A volume compiling two parts composed by Danish author and historian Ludwig Holberg, about Jewish history from the creation of the world until the author's days. With engravings on title pages of both parts, as well as an engraved portrait of the author on the page facing the title page of the first part. Translated from Danish into German by Georg August Detharding.
[1] engraving plate, [13] leaves, 714 pp; [6] leaves, 719 pp, 22 cm. Good condition. Nazi ink stamp on title page of second part: "Institute for Study of the Jewish Question, the National Institute for the Study of a New Germany". Stains. New endpapers. Vellum binding, worn and damaged.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 04 - History of the Jewish People in Eretz Israel and in the Diaspora
September 21, 2016
Opening: $100
Sold for: $325
Including buyer's premium
Theologisches Bedencken, wie und welcher gestalt Christiche Obrigkeiten den Juden unter Christen zu wohnen gestatten können, und wie mit ihnen zu verfahren sey von ellichen Theologis hiebevor unterschiedlich gestelle [guidelines to dealing with Jews who live among Christians]. Introduction on behalf of the Theology Faculty in Giessen University. [Germany]. 1612. German.
28 pp, 21 cm. Good condition. Stains. Library ink stamp. Inscription in pen on title page. New binding.
28 pp, 21 cm. Good condition. Stains. Library ink stamp. Inscription in pen on title page. New binding.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 04 - History of the Jewish People in Eretz Israel and in the Diaspora
September 21, 2016
Opening: $150
Sold for: $813
Including buyer's premium
The religious ceremonies and customs of the several nations of the known world represented in above an hundred copper-plates, designed by the famous Picart, together with historical explanations, and several curious dissertations, by Bernard Picart. Printed for Nicholas Prevost, London, 1731.
First volume (out of ten volumes) dealing with customs of Jews and Catholic Christians and includes an engraving depicting the inauguration of the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam as well as engravings depicting in great detail various Jewish customs such as binding Tefillin, Seder Pesach, Wedding ceremony, Brit Milah (circumcision) and Simchat Torah celebrations, and various religious objects.
[1], xx, 412 pp, [7] leaves + [35] engravings, 39 cm. Good condition. Lacking [iv] leaves. Foxing. Creases. Slightly loose binding. Tears and damage to binding.
First volume (out of ten volumes) dealing with customs of Jews and Catholic Christians and includes an engraving depicting the inauguration of the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam as well as engravings depicting in great detail various Jewish customs such as binding Tefillin, Seder Pesach, Wedding ceremony, Brit Milah (circumcision) and Simchat Torah celebrations, and various religious objects.
[1], xx, 412 pp, [7] leaves + [35] engravings, 39 cm. Good condition. Lacking [iv] leaves. Foxing. Creases. Slightly loose binding. Tears and damage to binding.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 04 - History of the Jewish People in Eretz Israel and in the Diaspora
September 21, 2016
Opening: $100
Sold for: $138
Including buyer's premium
Antiquitates Hebraicae Secundum Triplicem Judaeorum Statum, Ecclesiasticum, Politicum Et Oeconomicum, Conrado Ikenio. Published by Gerhardi Wilhelmi Rumpii, Bremae, 1741. / Antiqvitates Hebraicae qvam plurima utriusqve foederis loca difficiliora illustrantes. Accedit Jo. Alb. Fabricii notitia scriptorum qvi antiqvitates Hebraicas illustrantes, Theodori Dassovi. Christ printing press, Hafniae/Lipsiae [Copenhagen/Leipzig], 1742. Latin.
Two parts about Jewish history, bound together. Frontispiece engraving.
[14], 624 pp, [53] leaves; [8], 374 pp, 16.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Binding with vellum spine and corners, damaged.
Two parts about Jewish history, bound together. Frontispiece engraving.
[14], 624 pp, [53] leaves; [8], 374 pp, 16.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Binding with vellum spine and corners, damaged.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 04 - History of the Jewish People in Eretz Israel and in the Diaspora
September 21, 2016
Opening: $100
Sold for: $200
Including buyer's premium
Judische Augen-Gläser, das ist, ein in zwey Theil verfastes, und denen Juden zur Erkanntnuss des wahren Glaubens vorgesteltes Buch... Schrifft des alten und neuen Testaments, gantz klar bewiesen wird, dass Jesus Christus seye ein wahrer Sohn des lebendigen Gottes, ein wahrer Messias, und Erlöser des gantzen menschlichen Geschlechts, folgsam, dass der Christlich-Catholische Glauben, ein wahrer, und allem seeligmachender Glauben seye…["Through Jewish Lenses" – a book in two parts proving that the attitude of the Jewish religion and the Talmud is false and the Christian religion is the pure and true one], by Elias Liborius Roblik, 1743. German. Second edition.
A book in two parts (second part divided into two chapters) insulting Judaism, by Elias Liborius Roblik (1689-1765), a priest in Moravia, theologian and scholar of Semitic languages. With four engraving plates (one folded) mocking topics in Judaism; Marah bitter water, Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel dispute and more.
Part I: [13], 513 pp, part II: [3] leaves, 307 pp; [1] leaf, 427, [1] p + [4] engraving plates, 31.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Creases. Worming. Leather binding, damaged.
A book in two parts (second part divided into two chapters) insulting Judaism, by Elias Liborius Roblik (1689-1765), a priest in Moravia, theologian and scholar of Semitic languages. With four engraving plates (one folded) mocking topics in Judaism; Marah bitter water, Beit Shamai and Beit Hillel dispute and more.
Part I: [13], 513 pp, part II: [3] leaves, 307 pp; [1] leaf, 427, [1] p + [4] engraving plates, 31.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Creases. Worming. Leather binding, damaged.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 04 - History of the Jewish People in Eretz Israel and in the Diaspora
September 21, 2016
Opening: $150
Sold for: $188
Including buyer's premium
Antiquitates Mosaico-typicæ. Sive Systhema literale et typicum de sacris personis, locis, rebus, & temporibus, ex solo Mose methodo analytica digestum, et ex Scriptis Propheticis, Apostolicisque confirmatum, ac perpetuis notis illustratum. Præcedit tractatus de antiquitatum sacrarum reformatione, & de typorum requisitis ac præstantia, Bern. Sebastiani Cremer. Amsterdam: Henricum Viroot, 1733. Latin.
Study of the Holy Scriptures, by eighteenth-century Dutch theologist, Bernard Debastian Cremer. The book contains engravings presenting the Temple and the Temple's vessels, some folded. Engravings are numbered from one to seven and engraving number six is missing, apparently removed from the book.
[5] leaves, 495 pp, [34] leaves + [6] engraving plates + [6] pages with explanations about the engravings; [20] leaves, 592 pp, [35] leaves. Good condition. Foxing and damp stains. Edges of binding are scuffed. Two volumes.
Study of the Holy Scriptures, by eighteenth-century Dutch theologist, Bernard Debastian Cremer. The book contains engravings presenting the Temple and the Temple's vessels, some folded. Engravings are numbered from one to seven and engraving number six is missing, apparently removed from the book.
[5] leaves, 495 pp, [34] leaves + [6] engraving plates + [6] pages with explanations about the engravings; [20] leaves, 592 pp, [35] leaves. Good condition. Foxing and damp stains. Edges of binding are scuffed. Two volumes.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 04 - History of the Jewish People in Eretz Israel and in the Diaspora
September 21, 2016
Opening: $200
Geschichte der Könige Juda und Israels nach der Trennung des Reichs, Johann Jakob Hess. Zurich: Orell Fussli, 1787. Two volumes.
The history of the Kings of Judea and Israel, following the division into two kingdoms.
Vol. I: xxii, 502 pp; vol. II: 493 pp + [2] folded plates, 17.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Damage to binding.
The history of the Kings of Judea and Israel, following the division into two kingdoms.
Vol. I: xxii, 502 pp; vol. II: 493 pp + [2] folded plates, 17.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Damage to binding.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature
Online Auction 04 - History of the Jewish People in Eretz Israel and in the Diaspora
September 21, 2016
Opening: $100
Sold for: $125
Including buyer's premium
Ökonomisch-technologische Encyklopädie oder allgemeines System der Stats-, Stadt-, Haus- und Land-Wirthschaft und der Kunst-Geschichte, Theil. 31, Johann Georg Krunitz. Berlin, 1792. German. Second edition.
Economic-technological encyclopedia with entries related to Jews (pp. 293-645). With 10 engraving-plates (folded) and one table (folded plate). Engraved portrait of Marcus Bloch Elieser (18th century Jewish physician) facing the title page.
[1] engraving plate, [1], 970 pp + [11] folded plates, 20 cm. Good condition. Stains and creases. Red edges. Binding with leather spine and corners, damaged.
Economic-technological encyclopedia with entries related to Jews (pp. 293-645). With 10 engraving-plates (folded) and one table (folded plate). Engraved portrait of Marcus Bloch Elieser (18th century Jewish physician) facing the title page.
[1] engraving plate, [1], 970 pp + [11] folded plates, 20 cm. Good condition. Stains and creases. Red edges. Binding with leather spine and corners, damaged.
Reference, Research and Bibliographic Literature