Online Auction 021 – Jewish and Israeli History, Art and Culture
Map of Palestine – Engraving – Antwerp, 1632
Opening: $100
Sold for: $325
Including buyer's premium
Chorographia Terrae Sanctae in Angustiorem Formam Redacta, Et Ex Variis Auctoribus a Multis Erroribus Expurgata. Engraved map, [from the book Commentarius in Vetus et Novum Testamentum by Jacobus Tirinius. Antwerp: Martinus Nutius, 1632].?The map, presumably after Christian van Adrichom, depicts Palestine viewed from the east, showing the territories of the Tribes of Israel. In the foreground, an inset oval map of the Old City of Jerusalem from a bird's eye view, "Hierosolymae veteris imago", after a map of Jerusalem by Huan Villalpando. On the margins, Illustrations of the Temple, the Temple vessels, the camp of the People of Israel in the desert, and more.?Engraving: 84X32.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Minor worming; some of it restored with paper. A missing piece in the margins of the leaf, not affecting the print. Tears along the edges. Stains. Fold lines.
Laor 771.
Laor 771.
Theology and Bibles, Philosophy, Travelogues, Maps and Prints
Theology and Bibles, Philosophy, Travelogues, Maps and Prints