Online Auction 021 – Jewish and Israeli History, Art and Culture

Collection of Guidebooks for Housewives – Palestine, 1930s and 1940s – Recipes

Opening: $150
11 guidebooks on housekeeping for the Jewish housewife, Palestine, 1930s and 1940s.
1-4. "The books of the Women's International Zionist Organization" – three booklets by Malkah Sapir, a cooking teacher at the WIZO school for housekeeping in Tel-Aviv. Booklet A: The principles of nutrition. Booklet B: First courses. Booklet D: Meat and fish. Booklet E: Compotes (accompanying dishes). Tel-Aviv: "Omanut", 1931.
5. "Glossary B: Kitchenware". "Terms determined by the Academy of the Hebrew Language in Palestine". Tel-Aviv: "The Organization for Imposing Hebrew and the Battalion of Protectors of the Language", 1933.
6. "Improved Housework", edited by Hadassah's Nathan and Lina Straus Health Center in Jerusalem. Jerusalem: Hadassah's Nathan and Lina Straus Health Center, 1937.
7. "Glossary for Kitchen Terms, Hebrew-English-German, with 83 illustrations". Jerusalem: The Bialik Institute by the Jewish Agency, [1938].
8-10. "The Lexicon for Housekeeping in Palestine" / "A Guide for Housekeeping, Health Matters, Education and Other Issues of Family Life". Parts 1-3. Tel-Aviv: Zehavi, 1940. Hebrew and German.
11. "Manners of the House, broadcasts…", Booklet B / "The Rules of Laundry", by Mina Mayer. Jerusalem: "Hagal", (1947). Not in NLI.
Size and condition vary.
Palestine, British Mandate and Underground Movements, the State of Israel
Palestine, British Mandate and Underground Movements, the State of Israel