Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

The London Jewish Community – Collection of Prayer Booklets and Leaves

Opening: $2,700
Approximately 145 prayer booklets and prayer leaves issued by the London Jewish community. London, 1848-1959. Hebrew and English.
Prayers in honor of the English Royal family, inauguration of synagogues, eulogies, appointment of rabbis, various wars, including the Crimean war, the Boer War, World War I and World War II and other events. Some of the prayers were composed for private occasions. Among the booklets: a prayer on the occasion of laying the corner stone for the West London Synagogue, 1848; "Order of service … on the occasion of making collections for the Metropolitan Hospital Sunday Fund" (1847); "A Prayer For Her Majesty's Force In The Soudan" (1885); "A Prayer 'For The Time When Thou Mayest Be Found'" (composed when World War I broke out, 1914); "Thanksgiving and Prayer… On The Signing Of The Treaty Of Peace between Nations…" (1919); "Prayer for convention of great nations in London, for peace and for limiting the construction of war ships" (1930); "Prayer and Intercession On Behalf of Our Brethern In Germany" (1933); "Praise And Thanksgiving For The Victories Of The Allied Nation in the World War" (1945); "Order of prayer for the consecration of the Temporary Synagogue on the site of the destroyed Great Synagogue Duke's Place, London" (a prayer composed for the inauguration of the temporary synagogue replacing the mentioned synagogue following its destruction in World War II); "Rejoicing and Thanksgiving on the occasion of the celebration of Israel's Independence day"; and more.
A number of booklets were issued by the Manchester Jewish Community.
A number of booklets appear in several copies.
Size and condition vary. Goof-fair overall condition. Creases, tears and stains. Folding marks to a number of booklets. Covers of a few booklets are damaged, detached or partly detached. Filing holes.
Anglo-Judaica and American Judaica
Anglo-Judaica and American Judaica