Auction 64- Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Composition about Strengthening the Custody of the Holy Land in Jerusalem – Madrid, Late 17th Century

Opening: $400
Relacion verdadera del celeberrimo triunfo y victoria que ha conseguido la religion franciscana recuperando los santos lugares de Jerusalen [Relation of the true victory of the Franciscans in recovering the holy places in Jerusalem], by Gregorio Parghelia. Madrid: Juan Garcia Infanzon, [1690?]. Spanish.
A composition by Gregorio Parghelia, the custodian of the Franciscans in Palestine, about strengthening the Custody of the Holy Land in Jerusalem. The composition includes a letter written by the author to the Franciscan Father Juan Alvin.
11 leaves, 19 cm. Bound with a number of blank leaves in a new leather binding. Good condition. Stains. Trimmed margins. The top margins are trimmed with slight damage to the frame of the title page and to page numbering.
Research Books - Engravings
Research Books - Engravings