Auction 62 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
Ruling Regarding Distribution of the Zohar Printed by Rabbi Yisrael Bak in Jerusalem
Opening: $300
Handwritten leaf, (unsigned) copy of a ruling passed by the "Badatz Kollel Perushim…Jerusalem". Jerusalem, Adar Bet 1856.
The ruling concluded a lawsuit between the printer R. Nissan Bak and R. Yochanan Zvi Shlank regarding funds from the estate of R. David Tevele Berlin [R. Shlank's father-in-law], who during his lifetime invested money in R. Yisrael Bak's printing press.
Below is the story arising from this ruling:
R. David Tevele Berliner purchased hundreds of sets of the Zohar printed in 1844-1845. Some of the books were lacking and not suitable for sale and he demanded that the Bak printers refund part of the money he paid for the books. On the other hand, R. Nissan Bak had other monetary claims against R. David Tevele Berliner and his son-in-law R. Shlank and therefore claimed that part of the books which were left in the estate of R. D. Tevele rightfully belong to him. At that time, R. Yisrael Bak was not in Eretz Israel and only his son R. Nissan represented the printing press in this lawsuit.
R. David Tevele Berlin (died on the 16th of Cheshvan 1851), son of R. Shlomo Hirschel Berlin (1761-1843), rabbi of Prenzlau, Poland, and later of London and grandson of R. Tzvi Hirsch, rabbi of Berlin. R. Shlomo Hirschel officiated as rabbi of London for almost forty years, but for "unknown reasons" sent all his children to live in Poland after their marriages (Klilat Yofi, pp. 134-135). His son R. David Tevele moved to Jerusalem in 1838.
R. David Tevele died under tragic circumstances as is evidenced by the letter sent by the directors of Pekidim and Amarkalim [Clerks and Administrators] in Amsterdam on the 21st of Kislev 1852: "We were shocked and saddened by the sudden passing of R. David Tevele Berliner, and appalled to hear of the terrible events leading to his death…especially as the tragedy took place in the Holy City. May G-d send comfort to his bereaved family and prevent the recurrence of such tragedies…" (from the manuscript letters of Pekidim and Amarkelim, scanned at "Yad Ben-Tzvi". Ledger no. 13, p. 1).
R. Tevele's son-in-law, R. Yochanan Tzvi Shlank of Jerusalem was a disciple of the Chatam Sofer and one of the founders of "Kollel Hod" (Holland-Deutschland). After his betrothal in 1838, he ascended to Eretz Israel together with his father-in-law and settled in Jerusalem, founding and managing Torah and chessed institutes in Jerusalem as well as one of the founders of the Etz Chaim yeshiva.
R. Nissan Bak (1815-1890), son of the printer R. Yisrael Bak of Berdychiv, Safed and Jerusalem, headed the Chassidic Kollel and was a leading public figure in Jerusalem. The establishment of the first printing press in Jerusalem by R. Yisrael Bak was a historical watershed in the development of the Jewish settlement Eretz Israel and many books and articles have been written attesting to this fact. The document reveals new data regarding the management of the printing and distribution of the books printed by the Bak family and about the financial investments of R. David Tevele Berlin in the printing press.
[1] leaf, 42 cm. Thin high-quality paper. Good-fair condition. Wear and folding marks. Light stains.
The ruling concluded a lawsuit between the printer R. Nissan Bak and R. Yochanan Zvi Shlank regarding funds from the estate of R. David Tevele Berlin [R. Shlank's father-in-law], who during his lifetime invested money in R. Yisrael Bak's printing press.
Below is the story arising from this ruling:
R. David Tevele Berliner purchased hundreds of sets of the Zohar printed in 1844-1845. Some of the books were lacking and not suitable for sale and he demanded that the Bak printers refund part of the money he paid for the books. On the other hand, R. Nissan Bak had other monetary claims against R. David Tevele Berliner and his son-in-law R. Shlank and therefore claimed that part of the books which were left in the estate of R. D. Tevele rightfully belong to him. At that time, R. Yisrael Bak was not in Eretz Israel and only his son R. Nissan represented the printing press in this lawsuit.
R. David Tevele Berlin (died on the 16th of Cheshvan 1851), son of R. Shlomo Hirschel Berlin (1761-1843), rabbi of Prenzlau, Poland, and later of London and grandson of R. Tzvi Hirsch, rabbi of Berlin. R. Shlomo Hirschel officiated as rabbi of London for almost forty years, but for "unknown reasons" sent all his children to live in Poland after their marriages (Klilat Yofi, pp. 134-135). His son R. David Tevele moved to Jerusalem in 1838.
R. David Tevele died under tragic circumstances as is evidenced by the letter sent by the directors of Pekidim and Amarkalim [Clerks and Administrators] in Amsterdam on the 21st of Kislev 1852: "We were shocked and saddened by the sudden passing of R. David Tevele Berliner, and appalled to hear of the terrible events leading to his death…especially as the tragedy took place in the Holy City. May G-d send comfort to his bereaved family and prevent the recurrence of such tragedies…" (from the manuscript letters of Pekidim and Amarkelim, scanned at "Yad Ben-Tzvi". Ledger no. 13, p. 1).
R. Tevele's son-in-law, R. Yochanan Tzvi Shlank of Jerusalem was a disciple of the Chatam Sofer and one of the founders of "Kollel Hod" (Holland-Deutschland). After his betrothal in 1838, he ascended to Eretz Israel together with his father-in-law and settled in Jerusalem, founding and managing Torah and chessed institutes in Jerusalem as well as one of the founders of the Etz Chaim yeshiva.
R. Nissan Bak (1815-1890), son of the printer R. Yisrael Bak of Berdychiv, Safed and Jerusalem, headed the Chassidic Kollel and was a leading public figure in Jerusalem. The establishment of the first printing press in Jerusalem by R. Yisrael Bak was a historical watershed in the development of the Jewish settlement Eretz Israel and many books and articles have been written attesting to this fact. The document reveals new data regarding the management of the printing and distribution of the books printed by the Bak family and about the financial investments of R. David Tevele Berlin in the printing press.
[1] leaf, 42 cm. Thin high-quality paper. Good-fair condition. Wear and folding marks. Light stains.
Jerusalem, Hebron and Eretz Israel - Certificates, Letters and Printed Matter
Jerusalem, Hebron and Eretz Israel - Certificates, Letters and Printed Matter