Auction 51 Part I - Books Chassidism Manuscripts Rabbinical Letters

Long Interesting Letter by Rebbe Shalom Moskowitz of Shotz

Opening: $800
Long autograph letter [2 pages, 75 handwritten lines], signed by Rebbe "Shalom" Moskowitz of Shotz (Suceava). On the third page is another autograph letter signed by his son Rabbi Yisrael Ya'akov and a letter from Rebbetzin Liba Chana. [London, 1949].
Sent to Haifa to his brother-in-law, the Rebbe of Chuhuyiv Rabbi Avraham Ebish Kanner. Among other content, he writes: "After the death of my father…I wrote that I relinquish all my rights, and you cannot say that is because I was wealthy at the time because my income was very limited. The only reason was that I cannot bear inheritance claims, which cause dissension among brothers, and generate discord and jealousy all their lives".
Further in this fascinating letter, the rebbe explains the reasons he prefers living in London: "Regarding that which you wrote, when am I coming to Eretz Israel… Believe me that here in the locale of North-London where we live, it is easier to raise G-d-fearing children than in Tel Aviv or Haifa. Many girls live here who do not want to marry a young man without a beard, only a bearded 'ben-Torah' (Torah student)…". The rebbe continues discussing the harassment of Charedi Jews in Eretz Israel by the government and the police: "Their intent to brazenly destroy religion and stamp out the holiness of Shabbat can be clearly seen…I do not understand you, Rebbes and Rabbis…Why are you keeping quiet?...If I was now in Eretz Israel I would shake the whole country…Show at least a little warmth not only white ‘bekeshes'. Gather together and organize large protests…with loud cries…This will work because they are concerned lest the world find out their activities and this would harm their fundraising…". The rebbe sharply criticizes the conduct of "hypocritical" Charedim: "I cannot bear those who are only externally Charedim…The holy Torah seeks internal service.".
Rebbe Shalom of Shotz (1878-1958), descended from Rebbe Michel of Zolochiv and Rabbi Meir of Peremyshlyany. A leading rebbe of the last generation, amazingly proficient in all areas of Torah, and a great posek. In his youth, he was ordained by the Maharsham of Berezhany and even lived in his home for nine months to learn practical applications of Torah. He served G-d in holiness and was a Kabbalist, known for working wonders by his awesome prayers, like a son beseeching his father. Disciple of the Rebbe of Sieniawa and the Belz Rebbes. Served in the Suceava rabbinate from 1903, he was teacher and rabbi of Rabbi Meir Shapira of Lublin who conceived and initiated the Daf HaYomi. From 1927, served as Rebbe in London. Wrote many books on the Talmud, Torah and Chassidism. He was highly esteemed by all the great Rebbes of his generation and word of his greatness and holiness spread all over the world. His diligence was rare; he would study Torah for hours and hours, stopping only to eat and perform mitzvoth. At the same time, his London home was wide open and people from all circles came to seek his blessing, ask for guidance and request halachic rulings. In his testament, he promised to awaken Heavenly mercy upon any person who visits his grave, lights two candles for the elevation of his soul and accepts upon himself reinforcement of mitzvah observance or Torah study (he requested that this promise be printed on his gravesite in three languages: Hebrew, Yiddish and English).
Aerogram, 3 written pages, 20 cm. Good condition. Slight wear and tears to margins. The Rebbe's signature is in the middle of Line 71 of the 75 lines in his handwriting.
Letters - Chassidism
Letters - Chassidism