Auction 61 - Rare and Important Items
Illuminated Parchment Manuscript - Seder Birkat HaMazon, Birkot HaNehenin and Bedtime Kriat Shema - Germany / Austria, 18th Century
Opening: $45,000
"Seder Birkat HaMazon with lovely illustrations, also Seder Birkot HaNehenin… and Seder Kriat Shema al HaMita…" - illuminated parchment manuscript. [Germany/Austria, 18th century].
Pocket size. Ink on parchment, with colorful illustrations. Contemporary parchment binding, with charming floral ornamentation.
A book of blessings with illustrations and ornamentation characteristic to the "Moravian School" of book illumination, of 18th century Germany or Austria. The illustrator of this manuscript was, most probably, familiar with books created by artists of the "Moravian School": Aaron Wolf Schreiber Herlingen of Gewitsch (Jevíčko), Meshulam Simmel of Polná, and others.
The manuscript is composed of 17 parchment leaves. Neat Ashkenazi square script with vowel points, and instructions in Hebrew (Rashi script) and in Yiddish-Deutsch (German in Hebrew letters - Tzena U'rena script). The initial words and some letters are decorated with miniature decoration. Rectangular borders frame the text on every page.
The manuscript opens with an architectural title page - illustration of an arched gate with two pillars, topped with three vases. Written at the end of the title page: "In Amsterdam typeface", with the word Amsterdam enlarged (as was the custom of printers in those days). On the following leaf, at the beginning of Seder Birkat HaMazon appears a colorful ornamentation surrounding the words "Baruch Hu U'Varuch Shemo" (Blessed is He and blessed is His Name). The initial word of HaMalach HaGo'el, on p. [14]a, is decorated with flowers, an angel and a light-purple border.
[17] leaves (33 written pages). 12.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains. Slightly faded ink in several places. Ink and paint smears to illustrations. Tiny needle-holes to inner margins from previous sewing of the leaves. New endpapers. Contemporary restored parchment binding, stained.
Pocket size. Ink on parchment, with colorful illustrations. Contemporary parchment binding, with charming floral ornamentation.
A book of blessings with illustrations and ornamentation characteristic to the "Moravian School" of book illumination, of 18th century Germany or Austria. The illustrator of this manuscript was, most probably, familiar with books created by artists of the "Moravian School": Aaron Wolf Schreiber Herlingen of Gewitsch (Jevíčko), Meshulam Simmel of Polná, and others.
The manuscript is composed of 17 parchment leaves. Neat Ashkenazi square script with vowel points, and instructions in Hebrew (Rashi script) and in Yiddish-Deutsch (German in Hebrew letters - Tzena U'rena script). The initial words and some letters are decorated with miniature decoration. Rectangular borders frame the text on every page.
The manuscript opens with an architectural title page - illustration of an arched gate with two pillars, topped with three vases. Written at the end of the title page: "In Amsterdam typeface", with the word Amsterdam enlarged (as was the custom of printers in those days). On the following leaf, at the beginning of Seder Birkat HaMazon appears a colorful ornamentation surrounding the words "Baruch Hu U'Varuch Shemo" (Blessed is He and blessed is His Name). The initial word of HaMalach HaGo'el, on p. [14]a, is decorated with flowers, an angel and a light-purple border.
[17] leaves (33 written pages). 12.5 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains. Slightly faded ink in several places. Ink and paint smears to illustrations. Tiny needle-holes to inner margins from previous sewing of the leaves. New endpapers. Contemporary restored parchment binding, stained.