Auction 57 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Collection of "Heter Meah Rabbanim" for Men Whose Wives Perished During the Holocaust - Many Signatures of Rabbis and Rebbes in Jerusalem - 1946

Opening: $400
Sold for: $2,250
Including buyer's premium
Collection of Rabbinical court decisions signed by many rabbis - permission to remarry ("Heter Meah Rabbanim"), given to men whose wives disappeared during the Holocaust and likely perished. Jerusalem, 1946.
Each page contains dozens of handwritten signatures as well as a typewritten description of the testimony given and the court's final ruling [testimonies include horrifying details of selections of women and children in Auschwitz and in Transnistria, Romania]. Some of the documents are incomplete and contain only the final part of the ruling, with the signatures.
The main signatories of each decision were the heads of the respective Batei Din in Jerusalem: R. Zelig Reuven Bengis, R. Pinchas Epstein and R. David Jungreis, heads of the Perushim Beit Din; and R. Yerucham Fishel Bernstein, R. Naftali Zvi Schmerler and R. Yisrael Yitzchak Halevi Reisman, heads of the Chassidic Beit Din.
Among the signatories: R. Meir Chaim Unger, (rabbi of Lackenbach); R. Yosef Adler (rabbi of Torda); R. Mordechai Chaim Slonim (Rebbe of Slonim); R. Yosef Meir Kahana (Rebbe of Spinka); R. Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Teitelbaum (Rebbe of Sassov, who was in Jerusalem at the time with his father-in-law, the Satmar Rebbe); R. Shmuel Halevi Wosner, (at that time a rabbi in Jerusalem); R. Avraham Yitzchak Kahn (later the Rebbe of Toldot Aharon); R. Mordechai Goldman (later the Rebbe of Zvill); R. Shalom Safrin (Rebbe of Komarna); R. Gershon Lapidot; R. Yisrael Yaakov Fisher (later head of the Eida Hacharedit); R. Avraham Aharonovitz; R. Asher Zelig Margolis, and others. For a more detailed list of signatories, see the Hebrew description.
7 leaves. Size and condition vary. Stains and wear. Two of the leaves have dampstains and erasures.
The Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pletah
The Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pletah