Auction 54 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Tiferet Yisrael Mishnayot - First Edition Printed in Hanover, Danzig and Konigsberg - Signatures and Hundreds of Glosses in the Handwriting of Rabbi Yudel Epstein, Author of Minchat Yehuda and of Kinamon Bosem

Opening: $600
Sold for: $3,000
Including buyer's premium
Mishnayot, with the Tiferet Yisrael commentary, by R. Yisrael Lifschitz. Five of six volumes of the Sidrei Mishnah. Seder Zera'im, Hanover 1830; Seder Mo'ed, Danzig, [1844]; Seder Nashim, Danzig, [1843]; Seder Nezikin, Danzig, [1845]; Seder Kodshim, Konigsburg, [1850]. First edition of Tiferet Yisrael on the six Sidrei Mishnah, a work which has been accepted throughout the Jewish world and has been printed in hundreds of editions.
Each of the five volumes have signatures on the title page of R. "Yudel HaLevi Epstein" [and acronym: author of the booklet Kinamon Bosem]. Many glosses in his handwriting, hundreds of corrections, dozens of glosses explaining the Mishnah [including glosses and commentaries on Tractate Avot], and dozens of long inquiries discussing the author's writings. [Some of the glosses begin with an acronym which stands for "By me, with praise to G-d"].
In his writings, R. Epstein often cites the Vilna Gaon and adds unknown teachings in the name of R. Chaim of Volozhin and R. Zalme'le of Volozhin.
The author of the Tiferet Yisrael commentary, R. Yisrael Lifschitz (1782-1861) was an outstanding Torah scholar and leader of Ashkenazi Jewry. He would sit the entire day, wrapped in his tallit under his cloak and donning his tefillin and was renowned as a holy and G-d fearing man. He served for more than 50 years in the communities of Dessau, Danzig, etc.
The writer and proofreader, R. Yehuda Yudel HaLevi Epstein (c. 1800-1879), was a renowned and influential figure, son of the wealthy R. Shimon Zimel Epstein of Babruysk. Disciple of the disciples of R. Chaim of Volozhin, R. David Tebil, author of Nachalat David, R. Yitzchak of Volozhin and R. Yosef Gryover of Slutzk. In 1846, he printed his book Kinamon Bosem on Ein Ya'akov in Konigsberg. In
that work, he notes his place of residence in Brisk, Lithuania. After much wandering, he finally settled in his senior years in Warsaw and in 1877, printed his famous book Minchat Yehuda in Warsaw. At the beginning of the book, he wrote his history and recounted the history of his family. At the end of the introduction, he printed a section of novellae on the Tiferet Yisrael of Seder Taharot and wrote that he toiled greatly in the words of the Tiferet Yisrael and debated with the author in writing and orally. In that same book, he printed one example of these disagreements and expresses his wish to overcome the frailty caused by his old age and prepare the writings for print "so that he shall not produce ideas which are not properly arranged".
The glosses in this manuscript are those same comments to which R. Yudel refers in the aforementioned introduction that he was not able to arrange for print and they remained in manuscript form.
Part 1 - Zera'im; 6, 141, [3] leaves. Part 2 - Moed: [2], 229 leaves [without the volume Kupat HaRochlim]; Part 3 - Nashim. [7], 162, [1]; [1], 25 leaves - contains: the book Avi Ezer, composition on Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer; Part 4 - Nezikin: [4], 6 pages, 279 leaves [lacking leaves 280-281]; Part 5 - Kodshim: [5] leaves, 71, [1] pages, 234, 224-319, 319-336 leaves, [1] folded leaf "Design of the Beit HaMikdash" and "Design of the altar" - its back mounted on fabric.
5 volumes. 16-16.5 cm. Overall fair condition. Wear and tears, stains and detached leaves. Contemporary torn leather bindings. Contains some of the original printed wrappers.
Books with Handwritten Glosses
Books with Handwritten Glosses