Auction 50 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Collection of Press Photographs from the British Mandate Period and the Israeli War of Independence

Opening: $800
Sold for: $1,000
Including buyer's premium
20 photographs from the British Mandate period and the Israeli War of Independence, 1930s to 1948.
Most of the photographs are press photos, with captions on verso by the press and photo agencies that published them.
Including a number of unique photographs: A Haganah soldier passing over a "human bridge" between barbed-wire fences (1948); panicked flight in the streets following the attack on the Arab market in Haifa (1938); the two British sergeants executed by hanging at the "Sergeants' Grove" in Netanya (1947); demonstration outside the British Embassy in Cleveland, demanding permission to immigrate to Palestine (1945), and additional photographs.
Size varies, approx. 8.5X6 to 23.5X18 cm. Condition varies. Some appear to be reproductions of the original prints.
Palestine, the British Mandate and Underground Movements, the State of Israel
Palestine, the British Mandate and Underground Movements, the State of Israel