Auction 45 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Collection of Photographs - Dancer Rachel Nadav

Opening: $250
Collection of photos of the dancer Rachel Nadav - album with photos of dance and studio photos.
Nadav (1912-2003), Israeli ballet dancer, born in Aden (Yemen). In 1933 Nadav joined the ballet company of the dancer and choreographer Rina Nikova, a pioneer classic ballet dancer in Eretz Israel. Nadav became leading dancer of Nikova's "Yemenite Ballet Company" and performed around the country and abroad. In the early 1940s she founded a ballet company and integrated classic dances with Yemenite dances, influenced by Nikova's school, and inspired by biblical texts.
• Album containing twenty four photos of Rachel Nadav and other dancers. [1940s?]. Professional b/w photos, portraying Rachel Nadav alone or with other dancers, in oriental dances (outdoor photos). It is possible that the photos, or some of them, were taken by Zoltan Kluger. See attached material (photo by Zoltan Kluger, similar to one of the photos in the album, which appeared in "Davar" newspaper in 1949). 24 photos, average size: 15X12 cm, mounted on the album leaves. Album: 32X21 cm.
• Five studio photos of Rachel Nadav. Not signed. One photo appears in two copies. 20.5X26 cm.
• Photo of Rachel Nadav, dancing, with a basket on her head. Signed: Riwkin (?). 20.5X25 cm. See this photo in the book "Dancing with the Dream: The Development of Artistic Dance in Israel 1920-1964", Ruth Eshel. Sifriyat Po'alim, HaSifriya LeMachol BeIsrael, 1991, p. 40.
• Enclosed is a program of a performance by Rachel Nadav in "Ohel" theater, 1950.
Total of 30 photos. Condition varies. Overall good condition.
Travels to Eretz Israel, Maps, Photography, Postcards and Graphics
Travels to Eretz Israel, Maps, Photography, Postcards and Graphics