Auction 44 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Leaf Remnants from some Editions of the Babylonian Talmud - Spain, Turkey and Italy - Incunabula Printings

Opening: $4,000
Remnants of printed leaves of ancient edition of the Babylonian Talmud, removed from the binding-Geniza, from incunabula and early printings.
• Leaf remnant of Tractate Yoma (47a), Talmud with Rashi commentary (without Tosfot). [Guadalajara, c. 1482]. • Remnant of Tractate Ketubot. [Soncino (Italy), 1488]. • Four leaf remnants of Tractate Shabbat. [Soncino, 1489]. • Remnant of Tractate Pesachim. [Constantinople 1508?]. • Leaf remnant of Tractate Berachot. [Constantinople 1506?].
9 leaf remnants, varied size and condition of damages (professional restorations with paper insertion).
Talmud and Mishnayot
Talmud and Mishnayot