Auction 44 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Siddur Tefilla Yeshara HeChadash - Berdichev-Boston Version - Dedication by the Boston Rebbe

Opening: $250
Siddur Tefilla Yeshara HeChadash and Keter Nehora HaShalem. Prayers for the whole year, Berdychiv –Boston version. With the Keter Nehora commentary, by Rabbi Aharon HaCohen of Apta. Proofread and published by the Boston Rebbe, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Horowitz. Brooklyn, 1976. On the flyleaf is a wedding dedication, handwritten and signed by Rebbe "Levi Yitzchak HaLevi of Boston", who published the siddur.
Rebbe Levi Yitchak Horowitz of Boston (1821-2010), son of Rebbe Pinchas David HaLevi Horowitz, founder of the Boston dynasty, was very involved in chesed activities and in kiruv. He also founded the Rofeh Organization which assists those who come to the Boston Medical Center (US). From 1989, he served as a member of Mo'etzet Gedolei HaTorah of
Agudat Yisrael.
[2], 517, [18] pages. 23 cm. Good condition, stains, damaged original binding.
Chassidism – Manuscripts and Glosses, Signatures and Dedications
Chassidism – Manuscripts and Glosses, Signatures and Dedications