Auction 44 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Shomer Emunim - First Edition - With Handwritten Glosses by the Author

Opening: $250
Sold for: $688
Including buyer's premium
Shomer Emunim, to instill faith in hearts. Parts 1-2, including the pamphlet Ahavat HaBoreh and the Thirteen Principles of Faith and songs of devotion and joy [by Rabbi Aharon Roth] added at the end of the book. Jerusalem, [1942]. First edition. Three title pages. Glosses of revisions [apparently in the author's handwriting]. The inscription "Proofread" appears on the last leaf.
Rebbe Aharon (Rabbi Aharaleh) Roth – (1894-1947) studied in the yeshiva of Rabbi Yeshaya Silverstein in Vietzen. Chassid and disciple of Rebbe Tzvi Elimelech of Bluzhov and Rebbe Yissachar Dov Rokeach of Belz. From his youth, he devotedly served G-d and established groups for wholehearted service of G-d in Budapest and Satmar named Shomer Emunim. In 1925, he immigrated to Jerusalem and there too established groups for serving of the Almighty with Chassidic devoutness. From 1930-1939 he returned to his group of Chassidim in Satmar and thereafter moved to Beregszász. In 1939, he returned to Jerusalem and reorganized his holy group which continues his legacy until today in the Chassidism of Toldot Aharon, Shomrei Emunim, Toldot Avraham Yitzchak, Mevakshei Amuna and other Chassidic groups . (Encyclopedia L'Chassidut, Vol. 1, 175-178). His many books (Taharat HaKodesh, Shulchan HaTahor, Shomer Emunim, Mevakesh Emuna, etc.) were published in many editions. This book, Shomer Emunim, is the most primary book of Rabbi Aharon's teaching of Chassidism and emuna which he bequeathed to future generations. This first edition was published anonymously.
[1], 7, [1], 10-37, 125 leaves; 11, [6] leaves; 55, 34 leaves; [1], 43, [4] leaves. 16.5 cm. Dry paper, good condition, tears to margins of several leaves. Without binding.
The book was printed in stages (by pamphlets) between 1941-1943, which explains the pagination. See Bibliography Institute CD, Record 0167199.
Chassidism – Books
Chassidism – Books