Auction 44 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Likutim by Rabbi Hai Gaon - Warsaw 1798 - First Edition printed by the Magid of Koznitz

Opening: $750
Book of Kabbalistic compilations by Rabbi Hai Gaon and Kabbalistic prayers. With additional Kabbalistic compilations: Sha'ar HaShamayim by Rabbi Yosef Giktilia, Likutei Shem Tov, Ma'amar Ploni Almoni, on the 10 Sefirot and Names. "Tefillat R' Ya'akov Yasgova" [of Strzegowo], "Sefer Ha'Iyun L'Rav Chamai Gaon", "Secrets by the Kabbalist Chacham Yosef Giktilia" on the mitzvoth, and "Booklet by Rabbi S.T. from the Rashba" explanations of Torah secrets by the Ramban. [Warsaw, 1798]. First edition.
Printed by the Magid Rabbi Yisrael of Koznitz, from manuscripts hidden in his possession, edited by his disciple and personal scribe Rabbi Gavriel of Warsaw. With the approbation of the Magid of Koznitz printed on the verso of the title page. He writes that the manuscript and its printing were performed by his instructions and that Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdychiv also agreed to print the book, "And with the permission of… Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Av Beit Din of Berdychiv".
[1], 46 leaves. 17 cm. On Leaf 36 is an Ilan Sefirot, large and folded. Good-fair condition, major wear and stains. Various ancient signatures. Worn detached binding.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 305.
Chassidism – Books
Chassidism – Books