Auction 6 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
viewing at noon
Responsa By Rabbi Shlomo Eiger
Opening: $4,750
A halachic response from HaGaon Rabbi Shlomo Eiger to the Dayan of the Jewish Community of Berlin [who was the in-laws to Rabbi Elchanan Rosenstein]. Posen 2nd of Shevat 1841.
The letter is entirely written in his handwriting, with small, crowded and clear lettering. It is signed by Rabbi Shlomo in both Hebrew and Polish.
This letter has been printed with many changes in his work "She'elot U-Tshuvot Rabbi Shlomo Eiger" [section Yoreh De'ah 31 and section of Choshen Mishpat 52].
With this response it becomes apparent that Rabbi Shlomo's style of writing differed greatly between letters he sent in correspondence and how he wrote them for his book. The recipient of this letter was a great Talmudic scholar based on the shortness of the letter, essentially outlined and written in a brief manner as opposed to how responsa appear in his book which are very long and detailed.
Another significance to this letter, as opposed to the way the letters in the book as structured, is that we are able to note and learn from his short and precise annotation.
HaGaon Rabbi Shlomo Eiger (1786 – 1852), of the greatest scholars in his generation, was the second son to Rabbi Akiva Eiger (and brother in-law to the Chatam Sofer) and of the wealthier members of the Warsaw Jewish Community. In the year 1831 he was appointed the Rabbi of Kalish after losing his wealth in the November Uprising in Poland 1831. In the year of 1850 he became the Rabbi of Posen. This letter was written in the first year he was the Rabbi of Posen.
Single page. 27 cm. Approximately 50 lines, fair condition. Margins have been restored, with slight damage to the text along the entire length of the left and right margins. Part of the signature is missing on the left side
The letter is entirely written in his handwriting, with small, crowded and clear lettering. It is signed by Rabbi Shlomo in both Hebrew and Polish.
This letter has been printed with many changes in his work "She'elot U-Tshuvot Rabbi Shlomo Eiger" [section Yoreh De'ah 31 and section of Choshen Mishpat 52].
With this response it becomes apparent that Rabbi Shlomo's style of writing differed greatly between letters he sent in correspondence and how he wrote them for his book. The recipient of this letter was a great Talmudic scholar based on the shortness of the letter, essentially outlined and written in a brief manner as opposed to how responsa appear in his book which are very long and detailed.
Another significance to this letter, as opposed to the way the letters in the book as structured, is that we are able to note and learn from his short and precise annotation.
HaGaon Rabbi Shlomo Eiger (1786 – 1852), of the greatest scholars in his generation, was the second son to Rabbi Akiva Eiger (and brother in-law to the Chatam Sofer) and of the wealthier members of the Warsaw Jewish Community. In the year 1831 he was appointed the Rabbi of Kalish after losing his wealth in the November Uprising in Poland 1831. In the year of 1850 he became the Rabbi of Posen. This letter was written in the first year he was the Rabbi of Posen.
Single page. 27 cm. Approximately 50 lines, fair condition. Margins have been restored, with slight damage to the text along the entire length of the left and right margins. Part of the signature is missing on the left side
The Chatam Sofer and Rabbi Akiva Eiger
The Chatam Sofer and Rabbi Akiva Eiger