Auction 6 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters

viewing at noon

A Letter of Rabbi Akiva Eiger to "Chemdat Shlomo"

Opening: $12,000
The first part of a letter is a halachic response from Rabbi Akiva Eiger dated the 27th of Tammuz 1803.
The letter is addresses to "my friend…The Rabbi…the famous Gaon…Zalman".
The addressee was Rabbi Zalman author of , "Chemdat Shlomo", who was appointed that same year to the Av Beit Din of Nashlesk .
This response was printed in the Teshuvot HaChadashot as #21, with many changes (almost in every line, see attached photo). In the book it is titled " to the Congregation of Nashlesk".
We are not certain if this is the original letter sent or a "rough copy" of the letter he was sending (the full stop, in the middle of the page, at the conclusion of one of the Halachic items in this response may indicate that this is a rough copy). This is not a page taken out of his notebook for the pages in his notebook were of a different size.
2 pages. 20.5 cm. Margins have been restored, Almost no damage done to the text. Fancy leather binding.
An expert's approval is attached, identifying the handwriting as that of Rabbi Akiva Eiger.
The Chatam Sofer and Rabbi Akiva Eiger
The Chatam Sofer and Rabbi Akiva Eiger