Auction 39 - Objects: Judaica, Israeliana, Numismatics and Medals

Copper Box – Offering of First Fruits – "Bezalel"

Opening: $600
Copper box made by "Bezalel". Jerusalem, [1910s].
Copper with hammered and etched decorations. Marked: "Bezalel Yerushalem".
On box's cover, within a frame consisting of vegetal patterns, appears a procession of the offering of the first fruits (Bikurim) and the verse "Kumu VeNa'ale LeZion el Hashem Eloheinu" (Jermaiah 31,5). The procession portrays women, men and children marching with musical instruments and animals. The figures' design is characterized by a fine combination between a low relief on an etched background. On the side panel appears "Bikurim Bezalel Yerushalem". The inner side is covered with wood.
Height: 4.5 cm, width 18.6 cm, depth: 10 cm. Good condition.
See: 1.Early Israeli Arts and Crafts Bezalel Treasures from the Alan B. Slifka Collection in the Israel Museum, Chaya Benjamin, 2008. p. 36. (photographed).
2. Bezalel by Schatz, exhibition catalogue, Jerusalem, 1983,p.53. item no. 619.