Auction 34 - The Arnie Druck Collections

Regulation Prohibitng Jews from Entering the District of Paderborn – Germany, 1721

Opening: $1,000
Von Gottes Gnaden Wir Clement August, Bischoff zu Paderborn und Muenster. Probst des Stiffts Alten-Oittenger in Ober-und Nieder Bayern.
Regulation issued by Clemens August, prince –bishop of Paderborn and Muenster, prohibits Jews from entering the bishopric of Paderborn without permission. A foreign Jew can only enter the bishopric of Paderborn if a local Jew attests that he knows the Jew. In this case the authorities will issue a passport. If a Jew is encountered without a passport, he will be interrogated by the authorities about his origins, his intended destination, the purpose of his visit, and how he plans to make a living and his possessions. If answers are unsatisfactory, a foreign Jew can be arrested until the case is clarified.
[1] leaf 30.5X38.5 cm. Good condition. Folded into two. Adhesive tape pasted to central folding line. Handwritten inscription on the side and on the reverse.
Jewish Communities
Jewish Communities