Auction 34 - The Arnie Druck Collections

Booklets Concerning the First, Fourth and Fifth Zionist Congresses

Opening: $300
Sold for: $375
Including buyer's premium
1. Der Baseler Congress, Dr. Theodor Herzl. Vienna: Welt, 1897. Essay in German by Dr. Theodor Herzl, about the Zionist movement following the first Zionist congress. 22 pp, 21.5 cm. Good condition. No cover. Ink-stamps and signs, somewhat chopped margins. Plain cardboard binding.
2. Fourth Zionist Congress in London (with photos of famous ten members of the Zionist executive committee), by Nahum Slouschz. Warsaw: "Tushiya",[1900]. Divided into two booklets. Booklet A: " …sessions, negotiations, decisions, various meetings and the general situation of the Zionist movement in general and the congress in particular…". Booklet B: "Speeches delivered by Dr. Herzl, Dr. Nordau, Dr. Mandelstam, Dr. Gaster, Prof. Bilkovsky, Sir F(rancis) Montefiore, N(ahum) Sokolov". 75; 59 pp, [1] plate. Ink stamps.
3. Dr. Max Nordau, Rede, gehalten auf dem IV. Zionisten-Congresse London. Vienna, 1900. German. Speech delivered by Max Nordau in the fourth Zionist congress in London, August, 1900. 15 pp. Minor stains and tears.
4. Dr. Theodor Herzl: Eröffnungsrede zum 5. Zionisten-Kongresse in Basel. Opening speech delivered by Herzl to the fifth Zionist congress in Basel. Booklet with "artistic illustrations and a reproduction of the congress' postcard by E.M. Lilien". Berlin, 1902. "Separate reprint" out of "Ost und West". [2], 14, [4] pp, 20.5 cm.
Sizes and conditions vary.
From the collection of Arnie Druck.
Zionism, Zionist Congresses, Herzl, JNF
Zionism, Zionist Congresses, Herzl, JNF