Auction 6 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
viewing at noon
Tales of Tzaddikim in Yiddish – Collection of Books
Opening: $200
Sold for: $325
Including buyer's premium
Collection of Yiddish books and booklets, mostly stories of tzaddikim and chassidim. Most titles are not listed on MB CD, nor in Winograd and Rosenfeld CD.
1. Ma'asiyot Nifla'ot by Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz. Pietrikov [c1910]. 46, [1] page.
2. Di Sheine Wonderliche Geshichte fun HaRav HaTzaddik R' Yisrael Mordechai. Peterkov, 1911. [1], 31 pages.
3. Sipurei Lamed-Vav Tzadikim, Warsaw, 1912. [1], 37 pages.
4. Di Wonderliche Geshichte fun Rabbeinu Gershom. Warsaw [c1910]. 80 pages.
5. Sefer HaBrit HaChadash, Der Teich Sambation in China. [Warsaw, c1910]. 64 pages.
6. Nifla'ot HaGe'onim, Przemysl [c1910]. 36 pages.
7. She'erith Ya'akov – Stories. Warsaw 1924. 48 pages.
8. Rosh HaShana Yom Kippur Succot [!] by Rabbi Shimshon Refoel Hirsh. Warsaw, 1926. 31 (actually only 30) pages, 18 pages.
9. Churban Yerushalayim. Warsaw, 1927. 36 pages.
10. Der Shople Zeide, with Tiferet Maharal. Lodz, 1925. [1], 67-96 pages.
11. VeDa Ma SheTashiv, Religieze Antworten, by Rabbi Shlomo HaLevi Halperin. Warsaw, 1927. [1], 51-96 pages.
12. Dos Beis HaMikdash, Matzav Yerushalaim, Binyan Ariel. Drawings of Jerusalem and vessels of the Beit Hamikdash. Warsaw 1930. Three title pages, the first has a picture of lions. [4], 4-33, 94 pages.
Altogether 12 titles, in various (good) conditions, sizes 21-22 cm. Titles 1-10 are bound together. No. 11 is unbound.
1. Ma'asiyot Nifla'ot by Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz. Pietrikov [c1910]. 46, [1] page.
2. Di Sheine Wonderliche Geshichte fun HaRav HaTzaddik R' Yisrael Mordechai. Peterkov, 1911. [1], 31 pages.
3. Sipurei Lamed-Vav Tzadikim, Warsaw, 1912. [1], 37 pages.
4. Di Wonderliche Geshichte fun Rabbeinu Gershom. Warsaw [c1910]. 80 pages.
5. Sefer HaBrit HaChadash, Der Teich Sambation in China. [Warsaw, c1910]. 64 pages.
6. Nifla'ot HaGe'onim, Przemysl [c1910]. 36 pages.
7. She'erith Ya'akov – Stories. Warsaw 1924. 48 pages.
8. Rosh HaShana Yom Kippur Succot [!] by Rabbi Shimshon Refoel Hirsh. Warsaw, 1926. 31 (actually only 30) pages, 18 pages.
9. Churban Yerushalayim. Warsaw, 1927. 36 pages.
10. Der Shople Zeide, with Tiferet Maharal. Lodz, 1925. [1], 67-96 pages.
11. VeDa Ma SheTashiv, Religieze Antworten, by Rabbi Shlomo HaLevi Halperin. Warsaw, 1927. [1], 51-96 pages.
12. Dos Beis HaMikdash, Matzav Yerushalaim, Binyan Ariel. Drawings of Jerusalem and vessels of the Beit Hamikdash. Warsaw 1930. Three title pages, the first has a picture of lions. [4], 4-33, 94 pages.
Altogether 12 titles, in various (good) conditions, sizes 21-22 cm. Titles 1-10 are bound together. No. 11 is unbound.
Books printed in Italy and various prints
Books printed in Italy and various prints