Auction 33 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Manuscript, Rosh Hashana Machzor – Turkey – With "Seder Re'amim U'Re'ashim" in Ladino

Opening: $1,000
Sold for: $1,250
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript, Rosh Hashana Machzor. [Turkey or another place in the Balkan region, 18th/19th century].
Some leaves have branch-like adornments. Consists of Rosh Hashana prayers [Arvit, Shacharit, Musaf and Mincha] with a few piyutim, Tashlich, "Laws for Rosh Hashana eve" (Simanim for the meal and prayers), and more.
At the beginning of the manuscript is a copy of the work "Binah L'Itim", which is "Seder Re'amim U'Re'ashim" attributed to the Ari, translated to Ladino. "Seder Re'amim U'Re'ashim" predicts future events such as famine, plenty, diseases and wars according to the times of earthquakes and thunder. First printed in Hebrew in Constantinople in 1710, at the end of the compilation "Milchemet Chovah", and the Ladino translation was printed in Constantinople in 1741.
The empty leaves at the end of the manuscript were later used for many Ladino inscriptions (journal? Calculations?).
Approximately 200 written pages. 18 cm. Varied condition of leaves, fair-good. Detached leaves, stains, wear to leaf margins. Damaged original leather binding.