Auction 33 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Sefer Tziyoni – Cremona, 1560

Opening: $1,400
Sefer Tziyoni, commentary on the Torah, Rabbi Menachem Tziyoni son of Rabbi Meir of Speyer. Cremona, 1560. Vincenzo Conti printing press.
Signatures and notations in Hebrew (“Yechiel Eichel---“ and more) and in Latin letters (“Dr. Michael Zacks” and more).
Kabbalist Rabbi Menachem Tzion son of Meir author of Sefer Tziyoni, among rabbis of Ashkenaz between approx. 1340-1410. His son is Rabbi Zelikman Binga known for his book “Minhagei [customs] Maharaz Binga”. The first edition of his book was printed in Cremona in 1559, however in the conflagration of books in Cremona in month of Av during that year the Church burnt approx. one thousand copies of the book and only several copies of that edition remained. In the summer of 1560 the printing press was reopened and due to the great demand for the book a new edition was printed containing the addition of many passages which were omitted from the 1559 edition. [See: M. Benayahu, Hebrew Press in Cremona, p. 101, according to testimony of apostate Sisto who ignited the fire, see: pp. 79-83 for differences between editions and photocopies of title pages and various leaves from both editions – see attached material].
110 leaves. 21 cm. Good condition, stains. Damaged binding.
Early Printed Books - Resh and Shin Years
Early Printed Books - Resh and Shin Years