Auction 27 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters

Four Books with Inscriptions of Authors

Opening: $200
Sold for: $500
Including buyer's premium
* Sefer Otzrot Chaim by Rabbi Chaim Vital, disciple of the Ari; includes: Sefer Chamar Chadat Ve’Atik – summary of Sefer Shefa Tal, by Rabbi Avraham Ankava. Livorno, [1844]. Inscription of publisher and author Rabbi Avraham Ankava “To Rabbi Yosef… may he be granted protection in his home in merit of the holy Rabbi Ephraim Ankava and the Holy Ari…”.
* Sefer Shemo Moshe, Halachic responsa on the Arba’ah Turim, by Rabbi Moshe Pardo. Izmir [1874]. Inscription in handwriting, signature and stamp of author [“From the young Moshe Pardo”].
* Sefer Sever Panim, including: Sefer Pnei Zaken, Sefer Pnei Moshe and Sefer Pnei HaMelech, Chiddushim on the Shas and Rambam, by Rabbi Zaken Moshe Mazouz. Livorno, [1881]. Fine inscription in handwriting and signature of author.
* Sefer Tzror Chaim, Chiddushim on Shas and Halacha, on commentary of Rashi on the Torah and Drushim, by Rabbi Chaim Katzvi. Livorno, [1869]. Inscription on title page by “sons-in-law of author” to “the honorable… Rabbi Daniel Toledano”. Additional signature: “…Rabbi Daniel Toledano…”. Lengthy handwritten addition on leaf 105.
Various sizes, generally in good condition.
Signatures and Dedications
Signatures and Dedications