Auction 26 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Rimon – Art and Literature Periodical – Berlin, 1922-1924

Opening: $300
"Rimon", periodical for art and literature, edited by Mark Wishnitzer and Baruch Krupnik. Artistic edition: Rachel Wishnitzer-Bernstein. Berlin, 1922-1924. Issues 1-6.
Volume containing the six issues of the periodical "Rimon", printed concurrently with its Yiddish version "Milgroim". "Rimon" was the first Hebrew periodical dealing with plastic arts. The periodical – as well as other publications by the same publishing house – were printed with much attention to their meticulous, colorful and impressive look, and their good quality printing. Works by leading artists and writers are included in the issues, amongst them: A. Lissitzky, Tchaikov, Budko; Bialik, Agnon, Tchernichovsky, and others. Volume 30.5 cm. Good condition. Stains, adhesive tape for fastening the first pages, damaged binding.
Bibliography and Research
Bibliography and Research