Auction 16 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Mishnayot Nezikin - Hand-Signed and Ink-Stamped by Admor Rabbi Avraham Dov Rabbi of Avertich - Safed

Opening: $18,000
Mishnayot Seder Nezikin. Slavita, [1816]. Printed by Admor Rabbi Moshe Shapira ABD of Slavita.
Two faded and damaged signatures in the handwriting of Rabbi Avraham Dov of Avertich author of the"Bat Ayin" appear on the title page:"These Mishnayot belong to¦ Avraham Dov¦ who resides here in the holy city of Safed¦". [The handwriting is identical to his handwriting on a letter he signed in 1835 with Rabbi Israel of Shklov - see enclosed photocopy]. Several rectangular ink-stamps belonging to:"Avraham Dov of Avertich" and a number of brief glosses in his handwriting appear on the book leaves.
Notes, additional signatures and ink-stamps most of which come from Safed and Tiberias. Signature of"Moshe¦" and partial ink-stamp from"Moshe B¦". Signature of Rabbi"Leib son of Ya'ako[v]" [could be Rabbi Leib Ba'al Ha-Yisurim? Who was the Admor's Havruta]. Signatures of"Yitzchak Cohen Tiberias, 1938". [Safed] ink-stamps:"Mordechai son of Yosef of Bender"."AB¦"."Aharon Elimelech son of Doctor Pesah","Ya'akov Yosef son of Doctor Pesah" [Rabbi Pesah Friedman Doctor, Roziner-Sadigura Hasid, of the leaders of the Jewish community of Safed and among the town's doctors through the 1860's, took part in the establishment of the Gay-Oni settlement, which later became Rosh-Pina].
The Holy Admor Rabbi Avraham Dov of Avertich (1765-1841) of the most Famous Hasidic leaders. Disciple of Rabbi Nachum of Chernobyl and his son Rabbi Mordechai, of Rabbi Zusia of Anipoli and Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchov. Kept in touch with the Rabbi of Apta, Rabbi Israel of Rozin, Rabbi Aharon of Chernobyl and Rabbi Aharon of Zhitomir. Briefly served as ABD of Hamelnik but spent most of his life (close to 40 years) being ABD of Avertich, which lent him the name of"the holy rabbi of Avertich". He moved to the town of Zhitomir in 1825, where he was appointed RABD of the Rabbinical Court. Immigrated to Israel in 1833, to Safed, where he founded his own Beit Midrash and became rabbi and leader of the local Hasidic community [in Safed]. His great personality brought together many people from all parts of the Hasidic community and created bonds with the Sephardic and"Perushim" communities. He was greatly admired by Gaon Rabbi Israel of Shklov who was a disciple of the Gra and headed the"Perushim" community, together, they took care of all of the town's public matters. Rabbi Leib"Ba'al Ha-Yisurim" was his Havruta. Led numerous people into the path of Teshuva and instructed Ba'alei Teshuva to learn Mishnayot.
Greatly suffered from the assault of the Druse who pillaged the town during the 1834 riots and stole most of his possessions. The story of his miraculous survival during the severe earthquake that took place in 1837 is well known, it happened during the prayer of Mincha, the Rabbi of Avertich told his Hasidim not to walk out of the synagogue, he lied on the floor of his Beit Midrash and everyone held on to his belt. The whole building crashed, except for the tiny space where the rabbi was [with the Hasidim]. [He later told how this earthquake was supernatural, stones were thrown sideways and did not fall down because of their weight; he understood that the Sitra Ah'ra was strong, that's why he submissively lied on the floor -"to calm down until the moment of wrath would be over"].
After the earthquake, the Rabbi of Avertich restored the community of Safed and did not let anyone abandon the holy city. He passed away during the pest plague of 1841, which stopped right after his passing. He is buried in the cave of the righteous at the Safed cemetery, near the tombstones of Rabbi Aryeh Leib of Woltchisk and Rabbi David Shlomo author of the"Levushei Serad". Many miraculous stories are told on his great holiness and his miracle work for the Jewish People. [His chair still stands at his Beit Midrash"Bat Ayin" in the Old city of Safed, his Sefer Torah with the original Aron Kosdesh and Bimah are still there with some more holy items related to him - the Gabbaim of the synagogue report that many miracles happened to people after they sat on his chair]. His holy book"Bat Ayin" was printed in Jerusalem in 1847, in Zhitomir in 1850 with different editions and is seen as one of the basic books of Hasidut.
[1], 171 leaves [missing towards the end, from the middle of Masechet Avot, originally: 196 leaves / or 216 leaves]. 24.5 cm. Blue paper, fair condition, fungal and wear damage. Old paper paste for restoration. Professionally restored title page. Slight moth damage. New, luxurious leather binding.