Auction 16 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
Ir Binyamin / Marpeh Lashon
Opening: $200
1. Sefer Ir Binyamin, commentary on Aggadot Chazal in the book Ein Ya'akov, by Rabbi Binyamin Ze'ev Wolf son of Shmuel. Second section. Frankfurt am der Oder, [1698]. Impressive illustrated title page; Ownership notations and signatures:"Nissim Ashkenazi". Moth damage, missing tears on corners of leaves.
2. Sefer Marpeh Lashon, ethics and rebuke, on matters of guarding the tongue. By Rabbi Refael Katz Av Beit Din of Hamburg. Altona, [1790]. Good condition.
2. Sefer Marpeh Lashon, ethics and rebuke, on matters of guarding the tongue. By Rabbi Refael Katz Av Beit Din of Hamburg. Altona, [1790]. Good condition.
Book Collections
Book Collections