Auction 15 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Complete Run of the "Emda" Periodical, 1974-1979

Opening: $120
"Emda" ("For peace and socialist change / a socialist platform for political, social and cultural criticism in Israel"), edited by Menachem Brinker (later edited by various others). Tel Aviv, 1974-1979.
Volume One: Issues 1-20, first and second years; Volume Two: Issues 21-37, third and fourth years. (No further issues were printed.)
"'Emda' is a left-wing periodical…its participants…are members of 'Moked'… and from various circles in the Labour Party and Mapam". Amongst its contributors were many intellectuals and authors from the Israeli Left. Very good condition. From the private collection of Dr. Israel Mehlman.
Left-Wing organizations and peace movements
Left-Wing organizations and peace movements