Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection

Illuminated Perek Shira – Miniature Parchment Manuscript – Ca. 1720 – Attributed to Meshulam Simmel of Polna

Opening: $12,000
Estimate: $15,000 - $25,000
Sold for: $18,750
Including buyer's premium

Perek Shira (Chapter of Song), verses of praise and glorification of G-d. Parchment manuscript, with illuminated initial words. [Apparently created by the scribe and illustrator Meshulam Simmel of Polna (Bohemia), Vienna, ca. 1720].

Miniature manuscript containing the six chapters of song, without the introductory or concluding texts, written in Ashkenazic square script, vocalized (titles not vocalized), in brown-colored ink.
At the beginning of each chapter is a rectangular frame, within which are the initial words enclosed in either an oval frame or a cartouche adorned with acanthus leaves, along with additional illustrations, most pertaining to the chapter's subject matter:
First initial word (p. 1a), "Shamayim" (Heavens), enclosed in a cartouche adorned with an angel.
Second initial words (p. 5b), "Shir LaYerakot" (Song of the Vegetables), adorned with depictions of vegetables and fruit.
Third initial words (p. 6b), "Shir LaIlanot" (Song of the Trees), adorned with depictions of flowers and leaves.
Fourth initial words (p. 8a), "Shir LaSheratzim" (Song of the Insects), adorned with a crown and acanthus leaves.
Fifth initial words (p. 10b), "Shir LaOfot" (Song of the Birds), adorned with a pair of birds of prey.
Sixth initial words (p. 16a), "Shir LaBehemot" (Song of the Animals), adorned with acanthus leaves and a pair of birds.

All pages are bordered with brown-colored rectangular frames. The title words "Perek Shira" appear in the upper margin of the first page, and subsequently, the word "Perek" surmounts each right-side leaf, while "Shira" surmounts each left-side leaf.
For further information regarding the scribe and illustrator Meshulam Simmel of Polna, see previous item. Among all the documented copies of Meshulam Simmel's works – or documented works attributed to him – only a handful of manuscripts of "Perek Shira", created in Vienna ca. 1720, are listed as extant. A similar manuscript, likewise attributed to Simmel, can be found in the René Braginsky Collection (item B257).
For a detailed listing of all the manuscripts Meshulam Simmel is responsible for, see: Claudia J. Nahson, "An Early Decorated Book of Genesis by Meshullam Zimmel Comes to Light", in Meḥevah le-Menaḥem: Studies in Honor of Menahem Hayyim Schmelzer, Jerusalem, 2019, pp. 145-170.

[20] leaves (title page missing). 8X6 cm. Overall good condition. Some stains. Ink slightly faded in some places. Original leather binding, with impressed decorations. Old ownership signature on verso of final leaf: "Meyer Salomon".

Illustrated Manuscripts on Parchment
Illustrated Manuscripts on Parchment