Auction 99 Part 1 Avant-Garde Art and Russian Literature from the Rachel and Joseph Brindt Collection

Collection of Illustrated Soviet Periodicals – Issues Designed by Alexander Rodchenko, Varvara Stepanova, Gustav Klutsis, the Stenberg Brothers, and Other Artists – Moscow-Leningrad, 1926-1931

Opening: $500
Sold for: $1,625
Including buyer's premium

A collection of 18 issues of Soviet journals and magazines:

• Даёшь [Let's Produce], a workers' magazine concerned with politics, society, literature, and art. Moscow: Рабочая Москва, 1929. Russian. Four (out of 14) issues (nos. 7, 10, 11, 14). With numerous illustrations and images. Covers designed by Alexander Rodchenko and others.

• Пионер [Pioneer], an illustrated bi-weekly children's magazine, organ of the Central Communist Youth Movement named after Vladimir Lenin under the Central Committee of the Komsomol (ЦК РКСМ). Moscow: Молодая гвардия, 1928. Russian. Issue no. 7, April 1928. Issue designed by Alexander Rodchenko.

• Экран [Screen]. An issue dedicated to the production of the film "Mabul" (Мабул), based on a story by Sholem Aleichem. Moscow: Rabochaya Gazeta, 1926. Second year, issue no. 12. Russian. Cover designed by Vladimir and Georgii Stenberg brothers (Стенберг).

• Красная нива [Red Wheat Field], a Soviet literary-artistic magazine. Moscow: Известия ВЦИК, 1926-1929. Russian. Four issues (Year 1926, issue nos. 21 and 49; Year 1928, issue no. 13; Year 1929, issue no. 23). With numerous illustrations and images. Covers designed by brothers Vladimir and Georgii Stenberg and others. MoMA 673.

• Строительство Москвы [Building Moscow], a monthly magazine dealing with various construction projects in Moscow. Moscow: 1929-1931. Russian. Seven issues (Sixth year, 1929, issue no. 7; Seventh year, 1930, issue nos. 3-4, 8-9, and 11; Eighth year, 1931, issue nos. 3 and 4). Covers designed by brothers Vladimir and Georgii Stenberg.

• Советский Экран [Soviet Screen], a magazine about the film industry in the Soviet Union. Moscow: Теа-кино-печать, 1928. Russian. Issue no. 30, July 24, 1928. Designed by Varvara Stepanova.

• За пролетарское искусство [For Proletarian Art], organ of the "Russian Association of Proletarian Artists" (Российской ассоциации пролетарских художников). Moscow-Leningrad: Изогиз-Oгиз, 1931. Double issue nos. 3-4, March-April 1931. Russian. Issue designed by Gustav Klutsis and others.

Size and condition vary.

Illustrated Booklets, Leaflets and Periodicals (Architecture, Cinema, Theater and Politics)
Illustrated Booklets, Leaflets and Periodicals (Architecture, Cinema, Theater and Politics)