Auction 96 Early Printed Books, Chassidut and Kabbalah, Books Printed in Jerusalem, Letters and Manuscripts

Large Collection of Books of Halachah, Responsa and Talmudic Novellae – 1679-1846 – Signatures and Inscriptions

Opening: $500
Sold for: $3,750
Including buyer's premium

Large collection of over 30 books of halachah, responsa and Talmudic novellae, including important books in first editions, printed in the years 1679-1846. Some distinguished copies with signatures and stamps, ownership inscriptions and glosses.

• Chut HaShani. Frankfurt, 1679. First edition.
• Yam Shel Shlomo on Tractate Chulin. Offenbach, [1718]. Signatures and ownership inscriptions on title page: "Meir son of R. Yehudah Leib Weingott of Kalisch" [R. Meir Weingott of Zduńska Wola, son of R. Yehudah Leib Weingott of Kalisch, who had seven sons worthy of rabbinic office; see enclosed material]; "David Eger of Halberstadt".
• Responsa Shevut Yaakov, Part II, by R. Yaakov Reischer. Offenbach, 1719. Stamp of the "Ashkenazi Beit Midrash in London" (Jews' College). Handwritten gloss.
• Responsa Shevut Yaakov, Part III, by R. Yaakov Reischer. Metz, 1789.
• Chidushei Halachot, Part I, on Tractates Beitzah, Bava Metzia, Ketubot, Chulin and Gitin, by Maharam Schiff. Bad Homburg, [1737]. Title page illustrated with a whale figure.
• Chamishah Shitot – novellae of the Ramban, Ran and Ritva on Tractates Sanhedrin, Makot, Gitin, Chulin and Nidah. Sulzbach, [1762].
• Asifat Zekenim, Shitah Mekubetzet on Tractate Ketubot by R. Betzalel Ashkenazi, Parts I-II. Strasbourg, [1777]. Both parts in one volume. Signature on title page: "David Kitze" – R. David son of Moshe Yaakov of Kitze, served as dayan of Pressburg in the Beit Din of Maharam Berabbi ca. 1760s-1780s.
• Responsa Maharam Ash [author of Panim Meirot], Part III, with novellae and commentary on Tractates Kidushin and Beitzah. Sulzbach, [1738].
• Responsa of R. Eliezer and Siach HaSadeh, by R. Eliezer son of R. Shlomo Zalman Lipschitz. Neuwied, [1748]. Only edition.
• Mirkevet HaMishneh on the Rambam, Part I, with Berechot BeChesbon, by R. Shlomo of Chelm. Frankfurt an der Oder, [1750]. First edition printed in the lifetime of the author (with introduction opposing the Chassidic movement and wonderworkers).
• Etz Yosef, novellae on Tractates Berachot, Beitzah and Megillah by R. Yosef Darmstadt, Part I. Karlsruhe, [1763].
• Tosefet Shabbat, commentary on Shulchan Aruch, laws of Shabbat, by R. Refael Meisels. Frankfurt an der Oder, [1767]. First edition.
• Tosefot Shabbat, with Mahadura Batra, by R. Refael Meisels. Zhovkva, [1806].
• Or Chadash, Part II, novellae on Tractate Pesachim by R. Elazar Kallir. Frankfurt an der Oder, [1776]. First edition.
• Korban Asham, novellae on Tractates Yoma, Bechorot, Chulin, Arachin, Temurah, Keretot, Me'ilah, Tamid, Beitzah and Shevuot, by R. Yitzchak Itzek Schacherles. Sulzbach, [1777]. Illustrated title page.
• Atzei Almugim, commentary on the laws of netilat yadayim, eruvei chatzerot and second-degree incest, by R. Noach Chaim Tzvi Berlin, Rabbi of Altona, Hamburg and Wandsbek. Sulzbach, [1779]. First edition. Signature and stamps of R. Tzvi Hirsch Ferber (1879-1966), leading rabbi in England.
• Pnei Yehoshua, Part IV, on Tractates Chulin, Makot, Shevuot, Tur Choshen Mishpat and selections on various tractates. Fürth, [1780]. First edition of Part IV. Approbations of leading rabbis of the generation, including the Noda BiYehudah and R. Shaul Rabbi of Amsterdam [the approbations page is not documented in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book].
• Responsa VeShav HaKohen, by R. Refael Katz, Rabbi of Hamburg. Altona, [1792]. First edition.
Bound with: She'elat HaKohanim Torah, by the same author R. Refael HaKohen of Hamburg. Altona, [1792]. First edition.
• Responsa and halachic commentaries on Even HaEzer, by R. Yosef Karo. Lviv, 1811.
• Responsa Toldot Adam – Part II of Responsa of the Rashba. Lviv, 1811.
• Mishnat DeRabbi Eliezer, on Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat, by R. Eliezer Lazi Heilbut, Rabbi of Altona. Altona, [1815-1816]. First edition.
• Shem MiShmuel, Parts I-II, novellae on the Torah and Talmudic tractates by R. Shmuel Soller, Rabbi of Lviv. Lviv, 1817. Contains many approbations, including by R. Moshe Teitelbaum, the Yismach Moshe.
• Petach HaBayit, novellae by R. Avraham Tiktin. Brzeg Dolny, [1820].
• Leshon Zahav, Parts I-II, Talmudic novellae and responsa by R. David Tevle Schiff HaKohen. Offenbach, [1822]. First edition. Signature of R. Dov Aryeh Ritter, Rabbi of Rotterdam.
• Eretz Tzvi and Teomei Tzviyah, two commentaries on Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer, laws of Gitin, Yibum and Chalitzah, by R. Tzvi Hirsch of Brody. Pressburg, 1846.
• Kedushat Yisrael, Part II, on Tractate Gitin, by R. Binyamin Wolf Lichtenstadt. Vienna, 1829. First edition.
• Chayei Olam, on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah, by R. Yechiel Ziffer. Vienna, 1830.
• Ohel David, on Tractates Shevuot and Yevamot, by R. David Deutsch. Pressburg, [1836].
• Torat Shabbat, selected laws of Shabbat with explanation and Yiddish translation, by R. Yaakov Weil. Karlsruhe, 1839.
• Pri Tzadik on the Torah, Part I, by R. Meir Avraham, Rabbi of Békéscsaba. Pressburg, 1839.

33 books in 32 volumes. Varying size and condition. New bindings. The books have not been thoroughly examined, and are being sold as is.

Classical Books and Miscellanea
Classical Books and Miscellanea