Auction 050 Part 2 Special Chabad Auction in Honor of Chag HaGeulah Yud-Tes Kislev – Rosh Hashana of Chassidut – Marking the Date in which Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi was Released from Czarist Imprisonment

Collection of Photographs of Chabad Chassidim in Eretz Israel – President Zalman Shazar, Members of Knesset and Chief Rabbis

Opening: $100
Sold for: $138
Including buyer's premium

Collection of nine photographs documenting Chabad Chassidim in Israel, at various occasions. Ca. 1950s-1970s.

1. A large photograph of Kollel Chabad members, trustees of the Nachum Dov Denberg fund. Sitting around the table (right to left): R. Shneur Zalman Kalmanson, R. Azriel Zelig Slonim, R. Chaim Yosef Rosenblum, R. Nachum Shemaryahu Sasonkin (?), R. Shlomo Yosef Zevin, R. Avraham Chaim Naeh, unidentified. [Jerusalem, early 1950s.]

2-5. Four photographs of President Zalman Shazar during his visit to the Tzemach Tzedek Kollel in Jerusalem in the early 1970s (apparently for a birthday gathering held in his honor at the Kollel). With him and next to him appear R. Shlomo Maydanchik, R. Shmuel Chefer, R. Shalom Jacobson, R. Yisrael Duchman, R. Leibel Chatzarnov, R. Elazar Gelbstein, and more.

6. Photograph of President Zalman Shazar next to R. Avraham Chanoch Glitzenstein in the Chabad booth at the book fair.

7. Photograph of the table of honor at a Chabad event. Sitting from right to left: Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Isser Yehudah Unterman, MK Chaim Moshe Shapiro, Shlomo Zalman Shragai, MK Zerach Warhaftig, MK Yosef Burg, Chief Sephardic Rabbi Yitzchak Nissim.

8-9. Two photographs of Chabad Chassidim demonstrating next to the office of the Prime Minister, holding signs against the amendment to the Law of Return (“who is a Jew”). Among the protesters can be identified: R. Yeshayah Goffin, R. Munya Shneur, R. Moshe Greenberg, R. Gershon Dov Ber (Berke) Schiff, R. Chaim Yosef Weisfish, R. Kalman Druck, R. Baruch Lesches, R. Shlomo Wigler, and more.

Original photographs of Kalman (Karl) Weiss of “Photo Weiss” in Jerusalem. On the back of one of the photographs is the stamp of the photographer. On the back of the other photographs are stamps and inscriptions of the photographer’s archive (a stamp of a decorated frame around a handwritten inscription: “History of the people, the Jewish settlement in Eretz Israel”).

9 photographs. Approx. 18x11.5 cm. One of the photographs: 24.5x18 cm. Good condition. Stains and light wear. Inscriptions on the back.

Leaflets, Pamphlets, Broadsides and Photographs
Leaflets, Pamphlets, Broadsides and Photographs