Auction 050 Part 2 Special Chabad Auction in Honor of Chag HaGeulah Yud-Tes Kislev – Rosh Hashana of Chassidut – Marking the Date in which Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi was Released from Czarist Imprisonment

Five Books by the Mitteler Rebbe of Lubavitch – 1861-1881 – Some First Editions and Only Editions – Beurei HaZohar / Maamarim Yekarim / Torat Chaim / Perush HaMilot / Pokeach Ivrim

Opening: $180
Sold for: $600
Including buyer's premium

Collection of five books by Rebbe Dov Ber, the Mitteler Rebbe of Lubavitch:

• Beurei HaZohar. Lviv: S.L. Flecker, 1861. First edition containing additions (printed in a new sequence with a divisional title page). Explanations of the Zohar delivered by the Alter Rebbe on Shabbat nights to his sons and elite disciples, written by his son Rebbe Dov Ber, the Mitteler Rebbe of Lubavitch. [Since the teachings are from the Alter Rebbe and they were written by the Mitteler Rebbe, Beurei HaZohar is sometimes attributed to the Alter Rebbe and sometimes to the Mitteler Rebbe.] [2], 64, 31-34, 69-84; 40, 31-34 leaves. Additions: [12], 13-20, [1] leaves.

• Maamarim Yekarim, Chassidic discourses by Rebbe Dov Ber, the Mitteler Rebbe of Lubavitch. [Königsberg (Kaliningrad), 1864.] Only edition. Two title pages. Contains two lengthy Chassidic homilies: 1. Inyan Gevia HaKesef, comprised of 12 chapters (printed in Maamarei HaAdmor HaEmtza'i, Bereshit, pp. 279 and on); 2. Inyan Birkat Chatanim, comprised of 24 chapters (printed in Maamarei HaAdmor HaEmtza'i, Drushei Chatunah, pp. 168 and on). The discourses were delivered by the Mitteler Rebbe in the years 1822-1823 and are based on the teachings of his father, the Alter Rebbe. After the Mitteler Rebbe's passing, the works remained in manuscript until published in the present edition. [3], 2-63, [1] leaves.

• Torat Chaim, Parts I-II, on Bereshit – commentary on discourses of the Alter Rebbe by his son Rebbe Dov Ber, the Mitteler Rebbe of Lubavitch. Warsaw: R. Natan Schriftgisser, 1866. First edition of Part II [Part I of Torat Chaim was printed in in Kopust 1822; in 1866 R. Menachem Nachum, the Mitteler Rebbe's son, worked to finish printing the second half of Bereshit (which was then printed along with Part I)]. Two parts in one volume: Part I (Bereshit – Chayei Sarah): [2], 141 leaves; Part II (Toldot – Vayechi): [1], 108 leaves.

• Kuntres Perush HaMilot – expansion of the Alter Rebbe's Siddur by his son Rebbe Dov Ber, the Mitteler Rebbe of Lubavitch. Warsaw: Natan Schriftgisser, 1867. First edition. This edition was called Mahadura Batra because it was a commentary and expansion of the short commentary in the Alter Rebbe's Siddur (Siddur Im Dach; Kopust, 1816), which was a sort of Mahadura Kama. [2], 114 leaves. Stamps on title page of R. Moshe Chaim Chefetz [apparently the disciple of the Vilna Gaon, immigrated to Israel ca. 1865, served as emissary to raise funds for the Jewish settlement in Jerusalem, passed away in 1884]; and Mendel Nisan Landau [one of the heads of Kollel Chabad in Jerusalem; he was one of the signatories, along with other Kollel leaders, of a letter asking the secular authorities in Eretz Israel to approve the Rebbe Rayatz's appointment as president of Kollel Chabad in Eretz Israel].

• Refuot HaAm, three books: Pokeach Ivrim, cures for the soul [by Rebbe Dov Ber of Lubavitch]; Sefer Refuot with Taaleh Aruchah, cures for the body [by an expert doctor]; and Darchei Yesharim, good practices [by R. Shmuel Shmelka of Nikolsburg]. [Lviv: published by H. ZuKer; printed by U. W. Salat, 1881]. Printing details on last page (on title page: "Amsterdam"). Yiddish and Hebrew. [26] leaves.

5 volumes. Varying size and condition. Overall good to good-fair condition. Stains, creases and wear. Minor tears and worming. New bindings.

Books by Chabad Rebbes – Liubavitch and Kopust
Books by Chabad Rebbes – Liubavitch and Kopust