Auction 12 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
Manuscript of Rabbi Ya’akov Moshe, Grandson of the Vilna Ga’on
Opening: $10,000
Manuscript, collection of Chidushei Torah, on the Bible, Mishnayot and Shas. Drushim, commentaries on Tana D’vei Eliyahu. By Rabbi Ya’akov Moshe of Slonim, son of son of the Vilna Ga’on, with his signature on the manuscript. Autographic writing in his handwriting with additions, glosses, erasures and corrections. Throughout the book he often cites and discusses the sayings of his distinguished grandfather “My genius grandfather”.
Leaves 18-19 contain his famous introduction to the commentary of the Vilna Ga’on on the Zohar [this introduction was printed in a different version, in Vilna 1810]. On leaf 30: interesting journal notations, of the visit at the grave of the grandfather of the Vilna Ga’on in Saltz, approbation to the book Dikduk Eliyahu which he gave upon visiting the city of Vilna in 1833, and more.
Rabbi Ya’akov Moshe Landau of Slonim (1780-1849), son of Rabbi Avraham son of the Vilna Ga’on, was raised and educated by his esteemed father and by his grandfather, the Vilna Ga’on. Great in Torah, followed in the footsteps of his great fathers, studied and taught Torah all his days, and is the only grandson of the Vilna Ga’on known to us who was considered his disciple and came close to him in stature. Was involved in the printing of the Vilna Ga’on’s writings and the majority of the books of the Vilna Ga’on were published by him or under his supervision (Bi’urei HaGra [commentaries of the Vilna Ga’on] on the Shulchan Aruch, Zohar, Safra Detzniuta, Bible and more). Was in close contact with the Radal [Rabbi Yehduah son of David Luria] and other giants of his generation. [For additional detailed information related to him see Ateret Ya’akov , Yeshurun, volume 5, pages 118-167].
32 leaves, approximately 31 cm. Fair condition, wear and damage restored. Magnificent leather binding.
Attached is a detailed letter of description, by Rabbi David Kaminetzky, expert in the Torah of the Vilna Ga’on and his court, stating that manuscripts of Rabbi Ya’akov Moshe are rare, and the few which are known exist only in public libraries. [This manuscript constitutes a completion to the other parts of his handwritten compositions which exist in public libraries].
Leaves 18-19 contain his famous introduction to the commentary of the Vilna Ga’on on the Zohar [this introduction was printed in a different version, in Vilna 1810]. On leaf 30: interesting journal notations, of the visit at the grave of the grandfather of the Vilna Ga’on in Saltz, approbation to the book Dikduk Eliyahu which he gave upon visiting the city of Vilna in 1833, and more.
Rabbi Ya’akov Moshe Landau of Slonim (1780-1849), son of Rabbi Avraham son of the Vilna Ga’on, was raised and educated by his esteemed father and by his grandfather, the Vilna Ga’on. Great in Torah, followed in the footsteps of his great fathers, studied and taught Torah all his days, and is the only grandson of the Vilna Ga’on known to us who was considered his disciple and came close to him in stature. Was involved in the printing of the Vilna Ga’on’s writings and the majority of the books of the Vilna Ga’on were published by him or under his supervision (Bi’urei HaGra [commentaries of the Vilna Ga’on] on the Shulchan Aruch, Zohar, Safra Detzniuta, Bible and more). Was in close contact with the Radal [Rabbi Yehduah son of David Luria] and other giants of his generation. [For additional detailed information related to him see Ateret Ya’akov , Yeshurun, volume 5, pages 118-167].
32 leaves, approximately 31 cm. Fair condition, wear and damage restored. Magnificent leather binding.
Attached is a detailed letter of description, by Rabbi David Kaminetzky, expert in the Torah of the Vilna Ga’on and his court, stating that manuscripts of Rabbi Ya’akov Moshe are rare, and the few which are known exist only in public libraries. [This manuscript constitutes a completion to the other parts of his handwritten compositions which exist in public libraries].