Auction 12 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Rare Mishna Books Printed in Russia-Poland

Opening: $800
Sold for: $1,000
Including buyer's premium
1. Mishnayot Im Perush Kav Ve-Naki. Grodno, [1792-1794]. Nezikin, Kodashim, Taharot (part two), with the Pirkei Avot. (Various captions, signed by Rabbi “Chaim David Zohn”).
2-3. Mishnayot Im Perush Kav Ve-Naki. Ostrog, [1805] (based on the Grodno 1792-1794 printing). Seder Nashim only (end of the first volume, no title page), separate title page: Mishanyot second volume, Nezikim, Kodashim, Taharot (Seder Nezikin only, missing 4 leaves at the end, without Kodashim and Taharot). Owner’s signature in Oriental Aleppo style handwriting.
4-5. Punctuated Mishnayot. Korets [1806]. Nashim (part three), Taharot (part six, faulty leaf count, missing leaves).
6-9. Punctuated Mishanyot. Shklov, [1818] (based on the 1806 Korets print). Zera’im (part one, missing leaf 2 ), Nashim (part three), Kodashim (part five), Taharot (part six, some leaves were bound out of place). Some of which printed on greenish paper, original leather bindings, two of the spines aren’t original.
10-11. Mishnayot with the Rabbi Ovadia Mi-Bartenura commentary and the Tosfot Yom Tov. Kopys [1820]. Seder Kodashim (part five) and Seder Taharot (part six). On the margins of the Seder Taharot title page it is written that the book was printed in Berditchev, with no mention of the printer’s name (see Bibliography Institute CD, record 0179196).
A total of 11 books, varying sizes and conditions (some of which are miniatures). Owners’ signatures on some of the volumes and remarks on the leaves’ margins.
From Dr. Israel Mehlman’s private collection.
Books printed in Slavita and Zhitomir, Books printed in Russia and Poland:
Books printed in Slavita and Zhitomir, Books printed in Russia and Poland: