Auction 046 Special Chabad Auction in Honor of 11th Nisan - Birthday of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, and in Honor of Pesach

Large Poster Announcing the Visit of the Rebbe Rayatz to Jerusalem – Published by the Chabad ColelAdministration – Av 1929

Opening: $200

Large poster, printed by the Chabad Coleladministration, on the occasion of the Rebbe Rayatz's historic visit to Jerusalem. [Jerusalem:] Zuckerman Press, [Av 1929].

The poster reads: "Holy Jerusalem will welcome the great protector and champion of Torah and Judaism in Russia, the holy and honorable Rebbe of Lubavitch…" (Hebrew; the words "Rebbe of Lubavitch" were printed in gilt letters).

The Visit of the Rebbe Rayatz to Jerusalem

Some two years after his release from Russian prison and his subsequent move to Riga, in Av 1929, Rebbe Rayatz traveled to Eretz Israel, accompanied by his son-in-law, R. Shemaryahu Gurary (the Rashag). The aim of the trip was to visit the Holy places and graves of Tzadikim, to lobby on behalf of Russian Jewry, and explore the possibility of a permanent residence in Eretz Israel.

The trip from Riga to Eretz Israel lasted ten days, on board boats and trains; a great crowed gathered to greet the Rayatz, as his train called in Lod, and an official reception was conducted in his honor, attended by prominent members of the Rabbinate and the Jewish Yishuv. From Lod, the Rayatz traveled to Jerusalem, where a crowd of thousands awaited on him, and another official reception was held.

During his visit, the Rayatz traveled around the country and stayed in Jerusalem, Hebron, Galilea, and Tel Aviv, where he engaged himself in intense public activity. During the course of his stay, he met with R. Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook and R. Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, as well as with other prominent rabbis and public figures, with whom he discussed ways to ameliorate the situation of Russian Jewry.

Various organisations and communities, including the Edah HaChareidis and the Chief Rabbinate, Yeshivat Torat Emet and Colel Chabad, issued broadsides calling to welcome the great opponent of the communist regime upon his arrival in Eretz Israel.

The visit lasted 15 days, after which the Rayatz left Eretz Israel, never to return again.

62X47 cm. Good Condition. Minor stains. Minor creases and wear.

PLEASE NOTE: Item description was shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
