Auction 6 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters

viewing at noon

Manuscript – Novellae of Talmudic Topic by the Ga'on of Chust, Rabbi Yitzchak Frankel

Opening: $700
Sold for: $1,375
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript notebook with novellae on Talmudic topics, by Rabbi Yitzchak Frankel of Chust. [1910?].
Autographic writing of the author, with erasings and additions. Includes teachings in the name of his father Rabbi Eliyahu of Levelek, author of Avnei Eliyahu (d. 1888).
The ga'on of Chust, Rabbi Yitzchak Frankel (1863-1931, Otzar 10943), son of Rabbi Eliyahu and grandson of Rabbi Yo'el Tzvi Rotta, Rabbi of Chust. He was a sharp chasid and a brilliant scholar; one of Hungary's leading rabbis. In 1900 he made aliya to Jerusalem, where he served as member of the Beit Din of Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld and Rabbi Yerucham Diskin. His name is signed on proclamations and excommunications against HaRav Kook, various schools, and football.
He published the Beit HaYotzer Responsa written by his grandfather, the Ga'on of Chust, and added his own novellae under the titles Pri Yitzchak and Imrei Pi. He added appendixes to his father's books Avnei Eliyahu, Ateret Eliyahu and Orot Eilim.
Notebook with 55 written pages. 18.5 cm. Worn binding. On the binding, there is a sticker with the author's ink-stamp.
See Kedem Catalogue, Sale 4, Item 482.