Auction 81 - The Wily Lindwer Collection

Tantour – Silver Ornament for Druze Hat, 19th Century

Opening: $1,000
Tantour / "shihabeeyeen," silver ornament for a Druze hat. Palestine or Lebanon, 19th century.
Silver, cut, engraved, and punched (parcel gilt); silver thread; glass beads.
The Tantour is a tall, conical ornament, a gift customarily presented by the bridegroom to his bride on the wedding day. It was traditionally worn by Druze women until the end of the 19th century.
Decorated with vegetal and geometric patterns, and with birds. Additional large ornament – decorated in silver thread and with colored glass beads – attached at front. Three stylized hooks, threaded with chain, at bottom.
30X9 cm.
Reference: The Arts and Crafts of Syria: Collection Antoine Touma and Linden-Museum Stuttgart, pp. 164, 168.