Online Auction 30 - Special Chabad Auction in Honor of the Yahrzeit of Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneersohn and in Honor of the Chag HaGeulah of Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn - the Rayatz of Lubavitch
Washing Cup Used by Rebbe Rashab of Lubavitch – With Letter of Authenticity Signed by His Granddaughter Rebbetzin Chanah Gurary
Washing cup of Rebbe Shalom Dov Ber Schneersohn – Rebbe Rashab of Lubavitch, which he used during his travels.
Brass (with maker's mark from Tula, Russia, late 19th or early 20th century).
A letter of authenticity is enclosed (handwritten note, in English), signed in Hebrew by Rebbetzin Chanah Gurary (1899-1991), eldest daughter of Rebbe Rayatz and granddaughter of Rebbe Rashab: "I hereby gift… the traveling washing cup used by my grandfather the Rashab. My grandmother [Rebbetzin Shterna Sarah, wife of the Rashab] gave it to me as a gift". Dated 26th May 1989.
Lubavitch VeChayaleha by R. Refael Nachman (Fole) Kohen mentions the washing cup the Rashab used on his journeys. He describes (in the name of R. Ze'ev Wolf Leviev) the visit payed by R. Avraham David Posner of Klimovitch to the Rashab when on vacation: "And he was invited to eat a meal with the rebbe, he began looking for faults in the cup the rebbe washed with" (perhaps due to its small size, R. Posner was concerned that it did not contain the required amount of water for washing. R. Yisrael Jacobson describes R. Posner's many stringencies and punctiliousness while washing his hands for a meal: "When he washed his hands for a meal, he would wash with a plate, and then a cup, and then another utensil, and a utensil within a utensil… so great was his fear of G-d in every detail". Zikaron LiBnei Yisrael, p. 62).
Height: 10 cm; diameter: 7-10 cm. Good condition. Abrasions, bends and minor defects.