Auction 67 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Chadashim LaBekarim - Mantua, 1622 - Rare Book

Opening: $700
Chadashim LaBekarim, pre-morning prayers and piyyutim, for the seven days of the week and for special days, for the Levantine community, compiled by R. Shemaya son of R. Moshe de Medina. Mantua: Judah Samuel of Perugia and son, [1622].
The name of the compiler, R. Shemaya son of R. Moshe de Medina, is not stated explicitly on the title page, but is mentioned on p. 2a, before the poem which he composed in honor of those who instituted the prayers (the poem also forms an acrostic of his name). On the second page of the book, the Modeh Ani prayer is printed with vocalization, to be recited upon waking up in the morning: "When he wakes up, he should rise with alacrity and say: Modeh Ani… and it can be recited even with dirty hands…" (this prayer is first mentioned in the book Seder HaYom, Venice 1599, p. 3a, see enclosed material. In the siddur of R. Yaakov Emden - Siddur Amudei Shamayim, Altona, 1745, leaf 40, he writes that it is a new custom to recite it: "And a late pious group added on their own accord, and instituted the practice of reciting as they wake up Modeh Ani…").
Signature on title page: "Shlomo of Dubno" - R. Shlomo of Dubno (1739-1813), disciple of R. Shlomo of Chelm author of Markevet HaMishna, published many of his own and other authors' books. He is renowned for being well-versed in the field of Biblical texts, Masorah and grammar, and while he was in Vilna the Gaon of Vilna asked him to clarify the Masorah of Neviim and Ketuvim (spacing between sections, exact spelling of words) - see the testimony of R. Pesach Pinfer, a rabbi of Vilna (in his article in Beit Vaad LaChachamim, Leeds 1902, and in his book Masoret HaTorah VehaNeviim, Vilna 1906). He was one of the editors of the Biur of Moses Mendelssohn on Bereshit, but he ultimately left Mendelssohn and decided to publish Chumashim on his own. He received approbations from leading Torah scholars of the generation for these Chumashim (R. Shmuel Rabbi of Vilna; R. Chaim of Volozhin and R. Zalman of Volozhin disciples of the Gaon of Vilna; leading Torah scholars of Vilna, Shklow and Slutsk; the Torah scholars of the Brody Kloiz; rabbis of Lviv, Berlin and Frankfurt, and others. The list of signatories was published by R. D. Kamenetzky in Yeshurun VIII-X, see there).
55 leaves. 13 cm. Good condition. Stains. Light dampstains. Minor marginal tear to title page, repaired on verso with paper (slightly affecting text on verso). Several leaves trimmed close to text. New, elegant binding.
For a detailed description of this book and differences between this book and other books issued by the Shomrim LaBoker society, see: M. Benayahu, Prayer Books Printed in Italy for Shomrim LaBoker Societies, Asufot, XI, 1998, pp. 89-96.
Rare book, of which only a few copies are known worldwide.
Early Printed books
Early Printed books