Auction 67 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Shaarei Dura with the Glosses of the Maharshal - Basel, 1599 - Edition of Rabbi Eliyahu Baal Shem of Worms

Opening: $500
Shaarei Dura with the commentary of the Maharshal - R. Shlomo Luria. Basel: Konrad Waldkirch, [1599]. Published by R. "Elijah son of R. Moshe Loans of Frankfurt am Main".
Mahadura Batra of the rulings and commentaries of the Maharshal on Issur VeHeter, known as the Mechonot Shlomo edition. That year, an edition with different contents named Ateret Shlomo was published in Lublin (regarding this edition, see introduction to Issur VeHeter shel Maharshal, vol II of Shaarei Dura, Deblitzky edition, Bnei Brak, 2016).
The publisher of this edition was the renowned kabbalist, R. Eliyahu Loans Rabbi of Worms (1564-1631), leading rabbi and posek in his generation. He was a close disciple of the Maharal of Prague, and colleague of the Tosafot Yom Tov. Born in Frankfurt to R. Moshe (son of R. Joselmann, renowned leader and advocate of German Jewry - from the Luria family, resulting in the family name Loans = Luria Ashkenazi. In his writings, R. Eliyahu Loans refers to the Maharshal and the Arizal as his relatives). During 1599-1600, when in exile in Basel, he published several books. He later served as rabbi of Hanau, Fulda, Friedberg, Mainz and Worms. He was renowned worldwide as R. Eliyahu Baal Shem, for his engagement in Kabbalah and in writing amulets based on Practical Kabbalah. He was one of the teachers of R. Yoel Baal Shem of Zamość, a foremost hidden Tzaddik and Kabbalist, who was the teacher of the teacher of R. Yisrael Baal Shem Tov of Mezhibuzh, founder of Chassidism.
Signature and dedication on the title page, in early Ashkenazic script: "Yitzchak son of R. Yehuda…". "This book is dedicated to G-d…". Several handwritten emendations.
98 leaves. Leaves 85-88 bound out of sequence, after leaf 89. 19 cm. Some darkened leaves. Fair condition. Dampstains. Tears to title page and other leaves, repaired with tape. Dark stains throughout approx. 20 final leaves. Wormholes to many leaves. Minor damage. Tears to leaves 91-92, affecting text with some loss. New parchment binding.
Early Printed books
Early Printed books