Auction 66 - Rare and Important Items

Leaf Handwritten by Rabbi Chaim Vital – From a Composition of Segulot, Cures and Practical Kabbalah – Passages of Alchemy (Instructions for Working Gold and Precious Metals)

Opening: $20,000
Estimate: $25,000 - $30,000
Sold for: $30,000
Including buyer's premium
Manuscript, passages on alchemy. Autograph of R. Chaim Vital. [Turn of the 16th-17th century].
Leaf written on one side, two columns per page. Over 70 lines handwritten by R. Chaim Vital. Section from a composition on segulot, cures and practical Kabbalah, which R. Chaim Vital wrote. This leaf contains special instructions in the science of alchemy (which was considered by kabbalists as related to the secrets of Kabbalah); including instructions and directives on working and refining gold and other precious metals. He guides on how "to melt copper more easily then naturally" (section 63), "to give a beautiful color to poor quality gold…" (section 67), "to make gold or silver into fine, small beads and grains, to fashion from them a piece" (section 68), "to harden quicksilver (mercury) and make it hard like stone so that it can withstand fire" (section 69), and more.
The holy kabbalist R. Chaim Vital (Maharchu) was the foremost disciple and transmitter of the teachings of the holy Arizal. He was born in 1542 in Safed, which was at the time the spiritual center for eminent and G-d fearing Torah scholars. R. Yosef Karo, author of Shulchan Aruch, led the Torah scholars of the city at that time, including the Ramak, R. Shlomo Alkabetz (author of Lecha Dodi), the Mabit, R. Moshe Alshech and others. R. Chaim Vital studied Torah from R. Moshe Alshech, leading disciple of the Beit Yosef. In his book Sefer HaChezyonot, R. Chaim Vital mentions his studies under the Alshech in 1557 (at the age of 14), and relates that R. Yosef Karo instructed his teacher R. Moshe Alshech that year, in the name of the angel who spoke to him, to be very conscientious to teach him with all his might. R. Moshe Alshech also ordained R. Chaim with the authority of the semicha he himself received from R. Yosef Karo. Concurrently, R. Chaim Vital began studying Kabbalah in the study hall of R. Moshe Cordovero, the Ramak. In 1570, R. Yitzchak Luria, the Arizal, moved from Egypt to Eretz Israel and settled in Safed. That year, the Ramak died and the Arizal succeeded him. The Arizal's eminence was recognized in Safed and R. Chaim Vital became his closest disciple and the supreme authority on the Arizal's kabbalistic teachings. For two years, R. Chaim Vital sat before the Arizal and recorded every word his teacher uttered.
The writings of R. Chaim Vital are the fundaments of the Arizal's teachings which were disseminated in later generations. The Chida relates (Shem HaGedolim, R. Chaim Vital) that R. Chaim Vital did not permit anyone to copy these writings, however once, while he was seriously ill, the kabbalists bribed his household members to give them 600 leaves of his writings, which they had copied in three days by "100 scribes". After the passing of the Arizal, R. Chaim Vital moved to Egypt. He then returned to Eretz Israel and resided for a while in Jerusalem, later moving to Damascus where he passed away in 1620. He wrote the primary teachings of the Ari in his composition Etz Chaim and in Shemona Perakim which his son Shmuel Vital arranged following his instructions. Although the Arizal authorized only R. Chaim Vital to write and explain his teachings, compositions written by his other disciples exist as well. The leading kabbalists of following generations constantly stressed that R. Chaim Vital is the supreme authority for explaining the Ari's teachings and warned not to rely on the writings of any other disciple. R. Chaim Vital himself writes in the preface to his book Etz Chaim: "Know that from the day my teacher began to reveal this wisdom, I did not leave him even for a moment. And any writings you may find in his name, which differ from that which I have written in this book, is a definite error since they did not comprehend his words…". R. Chaim Vital attempted to limit spreading the Arizal's teachings and instructed to bury many of his writings on the Arizal's teachings in his grave. Only after his passing did his writings become publicized in various forms and editions. The scholars of his times performed a "dream question", consequently removing many leaves from his grave, which served as a basis for other compositions on the Arizal's teachings (see Kabbalat HaAri by R. Yosef Avivi). The books he wrote of the Arizal's teachings include: Etz Chaim, Shemona She'arim, Otzrot Chaim, Adam Yashar, Derech Etz Chaim, Pri Etz Chaim, Shaarei Kedusha, and other.
This book of cures by R. Chaim Vital is known by several titles: Sefer HaPe'ulot, Taalumot Chochma, Sefer Kabbalah Maasit, Sefer HaRefuot, Refuot U'Segulot. This composition was not printed together with the rest of his writings. Over the years, only a few sections were printed in books of Segulot and cures. Recently, it has been printed in full (Sefer HaPe'ulot, Modiin Illit, 2010).
The Chida wrote of the greatness and holiness of R. Chaim Vital "his soul was very exceptional, and cleaner than that of all other people in his times". It is known that he foresaw many events with his divine spirit. He documented his amazing visions in his diary, which was partially printed under the name Shivchei R. Chaim Vital and was recently published in full in the book Sefer HaChezyonot.
[1] leaf (written on one side). 19 cm. Fair condition. Stains. Tears, repaired. Mounted on paper for restoration.
Manuscripts – Oriental Rabbis
Manuscripts – Oriental Rabbis