Auction 81 - The Wily Lindwer Collection

Samaritan Manuscripts – "Selihot" Prayers / First Chapter of Genesis

Opening: $200
Two Samaritan manuscripts. Mt. Gerizim, Nablus, 19th century / 20th century.
Ink on paper.
1. "Selihot" (Penitential) Prayers for the High Holy Days in the tradition of the Samaritan community. Nablus, 1267 according to the Hijri calendar [1851 CE]. Complete manuscript volume, written by Elazar son of Sedaka son of Yitzhak son of Salameh son of Gazal son of Yitzhak son of Ibrahim HaKohen. [62] ff., 14.5 cm. Good condition. Some blemishes. Cardboard binding, with wear, somewhat loose.
2. Genesis Chapter I, Samaritan version. Nablus, [1940s]. Handwritten booklet, with chapter one of the Book of Genesis, in Samaritan script. On the cover are the letters of the alphabet in both Samaritan and Hebrew scripts. [10] ff., 22.5 cm. Good condition. Stains to cover.
Enclosed: Booklet entitled "The Celebration of Passover by the Samaritans," by Ya'aqov Ben Uzzi, the Samaritan High Priest, Nablus. Tel Aviv, 1941, (Hebrew).