Auction 77 - Judaica – Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial

Manuscript, Kabbalistic Prayers Recited Before Shofar Blowing, by Rabbi Shimshon Bachi (the First) – Customs and Kavanot of the Arizal for Shofar Blowing – Handwritten by R. Yehoshua Segre Rabbi of Scandiano, with His Unpublished Glosses, Additions and Segulah for the Blower – Italy, 18th Century

Opening: $1,200
Manuscript, kabbalistic prayers recited before Shofar blowing, by the kabbalist R. Shimshon Bachi (the first), with the Arizal's customs and kavanot for shofar blowing, handwritten by R. Yehoshua Segre Rabbi of Scandiano, Italy, with his additions and glosses. [Italy, 18th century].
Neat Italian semi-cursive and square scripts, decorated in several places by R. Yehoshua Segre with floral vignettes.
This manuscript contains an order of kabbalistic prayers and kavanot for Shofar blowing, compiled by R. Yehoshua Segre. Four of the prayers were composed by R. Shimshon Bachi. Brief kabbalistic kavanot for Shofar blowing follow the prayers.
R. Yehoshua Segre incorporated his own kabbalistic glosses in "windows" in two of the prayers. He also introduces the manuscript with several kabbalistic practices for the Shofar blower, including a special segulah for success in blowing the Shofar, which is not known from any other source.
R. Yehoshua Segre (1709-1797), Italian Torah scholar, kabbalist and extremely prolific author. Served as dayan and rabbi in Scandiano and other cities. He was a talented scribe, and produced some beautiful manuscripts, including the present one. Most of his compositions were never published.
R. Shimshon Bachi (1640?-1691), rabbi of Casale Monferrato, leading Italian Tzaddik and kabbalist. Teacher of the renowned kabbalist R. Binyamin Kohen – the Rabach, and close friend of R. Moshe Zacuto – the Remez.
[15] leaves (28 written pages). 19 cm. Good condition. Stains and wear. Tear to first leaf, repaired with tape. Old card binding, damaged.
Expert's report enclosed.