Auction 33 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Huge Collection of Manuscripts from Yemen – Autographs, Illustrated Manuscripts and Significant Compositions

Opening: $60,000
Huge and significant collection of approximately 125 Yemenite manuscripts [17th century until early 20th century]. Diverse collection, various compositions: including significant autographs, unprinted compositions, illustrated and ornamented manuscripts, Kabbalistic illustrations and symbols. Halacha books and Taj books – Keter Torah, books of Haftarot and Megillot, prayer books, divans, books of poems, destinies and Sgulot. Some manuscripts contain list of “colophons” of authors, glosses and signatures of rabbis. Following is a partial list of the collection (a complete detailed list will be provided upon request): * Ancient prayer book from Sana, large format (30 cm.). Fine writing with upper vowelization. Prayers, with laws and instructions. Version of bills, poems, Passover Haggadah, Hoshanot, Azharot, Slichot, eulogies, Ashmorot, Keter Malchut, Seder Avoda, Haggadah of Hasmonean dynasty, and more. Calendars begin with year 1689; scribe noted (in Jewish-Arabic) that he begins the calendars from 1689, present year. * Prayer book for weekdays and holidays. Poems, Slichot, Passover Haggadah, Azharot, tractates, Megillot. Fine writing, upper vowelization, intercalary [leap year] table, beginning with year 1732. Two volumes. Kabbalistic composition ‘Tola’at Ya’akov’ by Rabbi Meir ben Gabai integrated with prayer book. * Version of bills and calendars (remnant of prayer book). Colophon from 1640 “… flower Yona ben Yosef ben Me’oded ben Yona… writer… Avraham ben Aharon ben Zecharia…”. Upper vowelization. Additions from later period. * Sefer Kneh Chochma Kneh Bina (Kabbalah), by Rabbi Avigdor Kara. (Uncommon in Yemenite manuscripts). 18th-19th century. Signature of Rabbi Avraham ben Shlomo Almashta. * Prayer book. C. 1820-1860. At end, passage in Jewish-Arabic pertaining to Jews and Mohammed, founder of Islam. * Sefer Me’ah She’arim, by Rabbi Yitzchak Shani (printed in Thessaloniki, 1543). Including glosses, 19th-20th century. * Laws of slaughtering. Colophon with calligraphic signature. * Seasons, from 1786. Illustrated title page. * Collection. Laws of slaughtering. Logical basis “reasoning of the Ari”, matters of Kabbalah. In middle of manuscript: receipt for slaughtering from city of Al-Qaeda from 1786. Bound with a miniature manuscript on laws of slaughtering. * Laws of slaughtering from Tur, Yemin Moshe and Zevach Toda. Tzeda. Colophon from 1807. * Shir HaShirim with translation. Colophon from city Alcazar. Signature. (1818). Autographic manuscripts of well-known authors and copyists, Yemenite scholars: * Sefer Reshit Chochma, second section of composition, beginning with Sha’ar HaKedusha until middle of Or Olam. Copy autograph in handwriting of leading Torah giant of Yemen – Maharitz [Rabbi Yichyeh Tzalach – who copied books for livelihood]. * Sefer Sha’arei Tahara. Sana. Close to period of author, Rabbi Yichyeh Tzalach. [Possibly his handwriting? Heading with his name in different handwriting]. * Three Megillot, 19th-20th century. Including collection of commentaries on three Megillot, possibly autograph of author. Colophon on other side of title page: Shmuel HaKatan Korach, (1886). * Notebook of Tijan. Signature and stamps of Rabbi Yichyeh Omsi Av Beit Din of Reda, including lengthy list in his handwriting at beginning of each book: “How do I express my appreciation to the Almighty… that he assisted me in purchasing this book…”. At end of manuscript, copies in his handwriting from 1930. Response from court of justice of Sana. [“Sa’id Yichyeh ben Yichyeh Omsi”]. Fine ornamented manuscripts: * Shulchan Aruch with commentary "Shtilei Zeitim", large and elegant copy which served as basis for the first printed edition in Jerusalem. [Gloss in handwriting of Ashkenazi copyist; addition of gloss of Rabbi Moshe Isserles [Rama] omitted by author, Rabbi David Maserki, who omitted glosses of Rama which are not customary in Yemen. This gloss indeed appears in first printing, however, was omitted in recently printed edition]. * Three Megillot with Tikkun Leil Shavu’ot. Elegant manuscript. Illustrated title page. Ornamentation in red ink. Includes poems and Azharot. Colophon: “Written for good friend… Sa’adi ibn Salam Al Kapach… (1864). * Book of translation of Haftarot, Fine manuscript. Written for Rabbi “Saliman ben Ibrahim Alkara” (Av Beit Din of Sana?). Signature: “David ben Shlomo Agori?”. * Collection (small fine manuscript): Sha’arei Tahara. Prayer for Rabbi Shalom Shabzi. Laws of divorce. Explanation of Ketubah. Reasoning. Tragic occurrence in city of Damascus. On last leaf, colophon: “Shlomo son of Avraham Elnadaf, rabbinical emissary of Yemenites of Jerusalem who signed above, I have arrived for Ten Days of Repentance…”. Notation in different handwriting: “Time in which Yichyeh ben Nachum… visited us…”. * Three Megillot, with translation and commentary of Rashi. Fine copy. Ornamentation in red ink. Illustrated title page. Upper vowelization. “Copied in congregation of Rada”. Glosses ‘Shoshanat Ha’Amakim’. Copied glosses by Rabbi Yichyeh Tzalach (“I have found written in manuscript of Rabbi Yichyeh Tzalach…”). Signature of Rabbi Avraham ben Chaim Elnadaf. Rada. * Zohar on Sefer Shemot. Complete copy in fine handwriting from 19th century. Approx. 125 manuscripts, various sizes and conditions; very good to poor. Research and cataloguing of manuscripts is based only on preliminary examinations; it is possible that this collection contains significant discoveries which we have not addressed.
Yemenite jewry
Yemenite jewry