Auction 30 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Archive of Mifal HaTorah Jerusalem

Opening: $1,800
Large collection of hundreds of signed documents from the Mifal HaTorah archive in Jerusalem. Signed questionnaires, letters of satisfaction from those insured, copies of telegrams, signed membership forms (some with photographs) and Kupat Holim booklets with photographs and signatures. 1950s until c. 1965.
Mifal HaTorah was a welfare and medical assistance organization for yeshiva families in Jerusalem and in Eretz Yisrael. During the years, members joined the medical insurance arrangement with the Kupat Holim for National Employees. Among the members who signed these forms are many signatures of renowned rabbis and rebbes of the previous generation and of the elder yeshiva heads living our times. For example: Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz [Head of Mir Yeshiva]; Rabbi Moshe Finkel; Rabbi Aryeh Finkel; Rabbi Shalom Saffrin of Kamrana; Rabbi Yechiel Leifer; Rabbi Yisrael Grossman; Rabbi Moshe Halberstam; Rabbi Baruch David Povarsky; Rabbi Nissim Toledano; Rabbi Shimon Ba'adani; Rabbi Zvi Kushelevsky; Rabbi Yehoshua Neuwirth; Rabbi Elchanan Kunstadt; Rabbi Ya'akov Katz; Rabbi Zundel Kroizer; and many other dozens of signatures by renowned rabbis and public figures.
Hundreds of documents and dozens of passport photographs, various sizes and conditions. Some are whole and some torn by hand before discarding the forms from the archive.