Auction 91 Part 1 Jewish and Israeli History, Culture and Art
Seven color lithographs: "A View of Jerusalem from the North-West"; A Jew and Jewess, Natives of Jerusalem"; "Bethlehem and Rachel's Tomb"; "Bedouin Arabs, from the Plains of Jordan"; "Hebron and Machpelah"; "The Samaritan Priest and His Family, at Nablous"; "View of Jerusalem from Mount Olivet". Some lithographs signed in print: "W. Simpson" [William Simpson]. Title printed in red and blue.
[1] title page + [7] lithographic plates, approx. 27.5X38 cm. Good-fair condition. Significant foxing. Original, cloth-covered boards. Binding worn and partially detached. Tears to spine.
Composite atlas of 89 engraved and hand-colored maps published by Homann Heirs. Nuremberg, ca. 1728-1759.
A bound volume of maps from various atlases published by Homann Heirs, including Große Atlas über die ganze Welt and Major Atlas Scholasticus. Many of the maps are decorated with elaborate cartouches; all are hand-colored.
Volume includes: many maps of Germany, maps of Austria, Italy, Belgium, France, Spain, Scandinavia, Denmark, and more; a map of Asia (1744); two maps of America (1746, 1756); world map (1746); "Schematismus Geographiae Mathematicae" (1753); distance chart (1731); map of the Persian Empire; map of Africa; map of the Ottoman Empire; and a map of Palestine ("Palaestina in XII Tribus divisa cum Terris Adiacentibus", 1750).
The maps are numbered by hand on verso. A handwritten list of maps is bound at the end, listing 70 maps only (some of the listed maps are missing from the volume).
89 maps (double-spread sheets), bound together. Maps (when open): approx. 58.5X49.5 cm. volume: approx. 50 cm. Condition varies. Creases and stains. Closed and open tears to edges and folds (damaging some maps). Strips of paper to verso of some maps. Edges of some maps trimmed. Some maps loose or detached. Leather boards, worn. Abrasions and tears (including open tears; mostly to spine) to binding. Binding almost completely detached.
Mounted on linen, folded and placed in a card cover (cover detached from map). "Plan de Jerusalem 1861" gilt lettered on front board; see Laor 1095, where the map is dated 1860.
Approx. 97X64.5 cm. Mounted on linen and folded. Good overall condition. Stains and minor blemishes. Cover of map detached and damaged.
1-4. Parts 2-4 and 6 of the series Oriental Explorations and Studies:
• Arabia Deserta: A Topographical Itinerary – No. 2, 1927.
[2], XVII, [3], 631 pp. + Index map showing the routes of Musil's journey in Arabia (placed in pocket inside back board; another copy of the map enclosed).
• The Middle Euphrates – No. 3, 1927.
[2], XV, [3], 426 pp. + [2] maps (in pocket inside back board): map of Southern Mesopotamia (48X61.5 cm) and an index map showing the route of Musil's journey in the Middle Euphrates.
• Palmyrena – No. 4, 1928.
[2], XIV, [2], 367 pp. + Index map (in pocket inside back board) showing the route of Musil's journey in Palmyra (Tadmor), between Damascus and the Euphrates.
• The Manners and Customs of the Rwala Bedouins – No. 6, 1928.
XIV, 712 pp. + [1] plate (portrait of Musil as Sheikh Musa ar-Rwejli).
Four volumes, 25 cm. Maps showing the route of Musil's journey: 29X26 cm. Condition varies. Foxing. Minor blemishes. Inked stamps. Some minor tears to maps. Spine of Arabia Deserta partially detached.
5. Northern Arabia according to the original investigations of Alois Musil, 1926.
Map in four sections, appended to parts 2-5 of Oriental Explorations and Studies.
Each section: approx. 62.5X59.5 cm. Overall good condition.
Lot 211 First Hebrew Atlas – Edited by Ze'ev Jabotinsky and Shmuel Perlman – London: "HaSefer", 1925
The first Hebrew atlas. Includes maps showing the Jewish population in each country of the Diaspora, historic maps, and more.
[4], 48 ff., 27.5 cm. Good condition. Stains and minor blemishes. Binding slightly worn, with stains. Minor tears to corners of boards and to spine.
73.5X96.5 cm. Good condition. Creases, some stains and minor blemishes. Minor tears to edges.
"Map of Eretz Israel, first (temporary) edition" (scale 1:100,000), 24 sheets. Published by the survey department of the State of Israel and the IDF mapping and photography service, 1948-49. English and Hebrew.
The map was prepared during the 1948 war, shortly after the establishment of the State of Israel, and printed in two phases – the northern two-thirds, 16 sheets covering Israel from Metulah to Beer-Sheva, were based on British army maps obtained by the Haganah and reprinted with minor changes. The southern third, from Beer-Sheva to Eilat, remained unmapped by the British Mandatory Government’s survey department; the IDF mapping service supplemented this part of the map, consisting of additional 8 sheets. Both parts comprise a full map of Israel, presumably the first map to be drawn by an official Israeli authority (about the map see interview with Prof. Pinchas Yoeli who headed the IDF mapping service, October 24th 2004, available on the Survey of Israel website).
1-16. British maps reprinted by the IDF mapping and photography service (new imprint added in the margins, with some purple additions to the maps): Metulah, Haifa, Safed, Zichron Yaakov, Jaffa-Tel-Aviv, Nazareth, Nablus, Yavneh, Ramla, Jerusalem, Gaza, Hebron, The Dead Sea, Rafah, Beer Sheva and Mt. Sodom.
Two sheets – Metulah and Jerusalem – lack new imprint (possibly indicating they were reprinted without any interference or an earlier printing date, before the establishment of the state).
17-24. Maps drawn during the war (under the title "Map of Eretz Israel, first (temporary) edition"; imprint reads "Israel Survey Department and the IDF mapping and photography service"): Auja, Abdeh, Wadi al Jayb, Mt. Lutzan, Al Ghamr, Kuntillah, Ain Ghadian and Eilat.
A request addressing users was added in the margins, encouraging soldiers to report any errors to general headquarters.
24 sheets, approx. 55X48 cm to 70X50 cm. Condition varies. Good-fair overall condition. Stains, creases and tears to margins (some repaired with adhesive tape).
Enclosed: eight sheets published by the mandatory government's survey department (without new imprint) and two sheets belonging to a later map.