Auction 91 Part 1 Jewish and Israeli History, Culture and Art
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Erinnerungsblätter an die Palästinafahrt. Aufgenommen und wohltätigen Zwecken gewidmet von Auguste Victoria, I.R, published at the Emperor's command ("auf Allerhöchsten Befehl"). Berlin: Ottomar Anschütz, [1899]. German.
Album featuring 36 reproductions of photographs by empress Auguste Victoria, taken during the imperial visit to Palestine in 1898. Facsimile inscription by Empress Augusta Victoria as title page: "Album in commemoration of the voyage to Palestine. Photographs taken by Empress Augusta Victoria. Dedicated to charitable causes". Includes photographs of the Kaiser and his entourage – the Kaiser on board the SMY Hohenzollern, the Kaiser accompanied by Ottoman bodyguards in Atlit Castle (Château Pèlerin), the Kaiser and his entourage before the Dome of the Rock, close-up of the Kaiser pacing towards Baalbek (Lebanon), and more.
The photographs are captioned and dated, and organized chronologically. The Jerusalem Cross decoration, awarded to participants in voyage, impressed on front cover.
[2] pp. + [36] plates (printed photographic reproductions), 23X16.5 cm. Good condition. Few stains. Minor blemishes to edges of cover.
Urkunde über die Einweihung der evangelischen Erlöserkirche in Jerusalem und Ansprache Sr. Majestät des Kaisers und Königs [Document on the Occasion of the Dedication of the Evangelical Church of the Redeemer in Jerusalem and the Speech of His Majesty the Emperor and King]. Berlin: Evangelischen Jerusalemstiftung, 1898. German.
A booklet comprising a facsimile of the illuminated manuscript which was signed by Kaiser Wilhelm II and his wife, Augusta Victoria, on the day of the dedication of the Church of the Redeemer, the text of the Kaiser's speech, and a black and white picture of the Imperial wax seal.
The booklet was published in Berlin, to commemorate the dedication of the Church of the Redeemer in Jerusalem, the highlight of the Kaiser's journey to Palestine during the months of October-November, 1898.
[6] ff., 27 cm. Good condition. Stains, mostly to binding. Minor blemishes. All leaves detached; binding detached.
Some 5000 transaction receipts of the Sejera Farm – the first Hakhshara farm of the Jewish Colonization Association (JCA). Sejera, 1901-1913. French (few receipts signed in Hebrew and Arabic).
Large archive of official receipts, issued in the Sejera Farm over the course of 13 years (printed forms, filled-in by hand). Most of the receipts bear the signature of the farm's manager, the agronomist Eliyahu Krause. Some receipts are signed "Zaïd" (most probably Alexander Zaïd, prominent Halutz, member of the Jewish paramilitary organizations Bar Giora and HaShomer). Some of the earlier receipts are signed by the founder of the farm, and its first manager, agronomist Chaim Margaliot Kalvarisky.
Receipts bound in 44 volumes, arranged by year of issue. Various handwritten documents enclosed, bound in a separate volume.
The Sejera Farm was established in 1899 – the first farm to be established by the JCA. Sejera played an important role in the history of the Yishuv, and particularly, in the development of the central ideas of the Second Aliyah – Hebrew labor, Jewish self-defense, and cooperative settlements. Among the Halutzim who worked in the farm was David Ben Gurion, who spent there a period of two years, between October, 1907 and October 1909.
Size and condition vary.
Ten architectural drawings for synagogues in Safed, made by the engineer Abraham (Adolphe) Starkmeth, one of Baron Rothschild's officials. Safed / Rosh Pinna, 1915.
Ink and watercolor on thick paper.
Ten sheets, each bearing the name of the synagogue in question (in French), a floor plan and a sketch of the façade of that synagogue; hand-colored. Most of the sheets bear Starkmeth's inked stamp; some are hand signed and dated March 1915. The synagogues include: Abuhav, "de Zadik" (probably a reference to the Ban'ah Synagogue), "Abou Gerchon" (probably a reference to the synagogue founded by the Persian-born banker Yitzhak Shalom Cohen), "Haham Chabetay" (which can most likely be identified with the Sha'arei Rahamim Synagogue, founded by Yehuda Shabtai Refael Antebe), and more.
Abraham (Adolphe) Starkmeth (1878-1915), born in Odessa. Studied engineering in Paris, and was subsequently chosen by the Baron Rothschild to serve as chief engineer for the Jewish colonies in Palestine. Worked alongside his brother Yitzhak Starkmeth, also employed by the Baron. From 1905 onward, he resided and worked in Rosh Pinna. During the First World War he was appointed by the military governor of the Syria Region, Ahmed Djemal Pasha, as chief engineer of the civil service of the military administration governing Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon. Passed away in Beirut, May, 1915.
Size varies; 50X25 cm on average. Poor condition. Dampstains and mold. Major worming. Stains. Closed and open tears.
Kleiner Reiseführer durch Palästina für Jüdische Touristen [Small Guidebook for the Jewish Tourist in Palestine]. Vienna: Palästina-Informationsbureau, [1911]. German.
The guidebook includes information on transportation both from Europe and within Palestine, on the Jewish settlements and Jewish immigration to Palestine, and more.
Stamped with the inked stamp of Hotel Kaminitz, Jaffa. An advertisement for the Jerusalem and Jaffa branches of Hotel Kaminitz is printed on the last page of the guidebook.
[4], 44 pp. 16 cm. Missing a map and back cover. Fair-good condition. Front cover detached. Stains. Pinholes to some leaves. Creases. Minor closed and open tears. Some leaves partially detached.
Approx. 230 invoices, envelopes, letters, labels, and other paper items of Hotel Hess, Allenby St. Tel-Aviv, 1940s. Hebrew and English.
The lot comprises: • Some 170 invoices, listing services available at the hotel (not filled-in). • Some 40 envelopes with picture and address of the hotel. • Two (identical) labels, illustrated in color. • Copy of a letter from the manager of the hotel, on hotel stationary. • Four circular letters and a questionnaire from the General Association of Merchants in Tel-Aviv and Jaffa. • And more.
Approx. 230 items. Size and condition vary.
Assorted collection of tickets, photographs and paper items related to the festival of Purim. Palestine, Europe and United States, ca. first half of 20th century. Hebrew, Yiddish and other languages.
29 items, including: • Entrance ticket to the Purim ball of the Sefat Zion society in Antwerp, 1911. • Two illustrated invitations to the Purim festival of the Jewish community in Vienna, 1936 and 1937. • Eight photographs of costumed children and parades (seven printed on postcards; two with stamp on verso of the photographer J. Glicksmann, Tiberias), and more.
Size and condition vary.
The photographs depict the opening ceremonies of the first and second Maccabiah, teams in Maccabi uniforms, and more. Photographer's stamps on verso of five postcards: Reuven Gross, Yosef Ironi and "Photo Bezalel".
One postcard is inscribed by Yitzhak Mossensohn, a participant in the second Maccabiah.
Approx. 14X9 cm (one postcard smaller). Condition varies. Stains. Minor blemishes to recto of some postcards. Handwritten inscriptions.
Provenance: The Rimon Family Collection.
Collection of medals, photographs, and letters belonging to the boxer, Jack Levy. Palestine and additional locations, 1930s-70s.
Jack Levy (1915-2006) was a Jewish boxer, champion of British Mandatory Palestine in the featherweight class. In 1935 he participated in the Second Maccabiah Games, and, after joining the ranks of the Jewish Brigade in the course of the Second World War, fought against boxers from around the world, from England, Australia, Egypt; a total of 103 fights, in which he was victorious in all but one. Levy took part in the defense of Tel Aviv and other military actions during Israel's War of Independence. Following the establishment of the State of Israel, he became a boxing referee.
The present collection includes:
• Some 40 medals, pins, and badges, including the Maccabi Boxing Championship Cup, 1935; two medals from the boxing competitions of the British Armed Forces (1944); three official medals from the Second Maccabiah Games (design: Moshe Murro, 1935); prizes from boxing competitions in which Levy served as referee (Beitar Championship, Golden Gloves); and more. Most of the pins and medals were issued by the Maccabi World Union.
• Some 40 photographs of matches and sports teams from the British Mandate period and the early days of the State of Israel, including the matches Levy fought (against an Australian army boxer, against a representative of the Royal Air Force, and more); a photo inscribed by boxing champion Emil (Amiel) Avineri (1938); photo of Levy's youngest son, Ofer, pretending to fight Israeli champion Haim Shafir in a boxing match; photographs of sprint teams, gymnastics teams, and more.
• Some 40 photographs of Levy and his colleagues in the Jewish Brigade, in Israel's War of Independence, and more: Wearing the "Notrim" (Jewish auxiliaries) uniform; en route to the World War II Battle of Monte Cassino; on top of a tank with a group of soldiers in Italy; dancing the "hora" in celebration of the end of WWII; photographs from various battle fronts in Israel's War of Independence; and more. Most of the photographs are dated, titled, and/or dedicated in handwriting. Two are framed.
• Some 25 handwritten letters exchanged between Jack Levy and his wife Hannah in the course of Israel's War of Independence. Most are love letters (one contains a song to Hannah composed by Levy during the war).
Size and condition vary.
Also enclosed: Some 75 photographs from other periods in Levy's life (some in an album); a framed paper print of the emblem of the Jewish Brigade; and a printed booklet containing Levy's memoirs and those of his family members.
Report of the commission appointed by the government of Palestine to inquire into the affairs of the orthodox patriarchate of Jerusalem by… Sir Anton Bertram… and Harry Charles Luke. London and other cities: Oxford University Press, 1921. English.
The report includes a recommendation to sell lands owned by the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, which was under a great debt. Following the publishing of the report, the patriarchate sold lands to the Palestine Land Development Company, on which the Rehavia neighborhood and the National Institutions House were later established.
vi, [1], 336 pp., approx. 21.5 cm. Good condition. Some stains (mostly to cover). Spine torn and detached.
Size and condition vary. Overall good-fair condition. Posters: Fold lines, stains and creases. Closed and open tears to margins, and along fold lines (one poster in fair condition, with long tears). Paper sign: Stains and minor blemishes. Strips of adhesive tape to verso.
Some 80 paper items, printed in the wake of the assassination of Chaim Arlozorov. Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, and elsewhere, 1933-1934. Hebrew. Few items in other languages.
The lot comprises:
• Official announcement, informing members of Mapai party of Arlozorov's death – a circular issued on June 6, 1933, one day after the assassination.
• Some 20 obituaries, posters and handbills, issued by various organizations – Mapai, Magen David Adom, Palestine Communist Party, and others. Some written in a sharp language.
• Some 35 newspapers (including "Haaretz" and "Davar"; mostly special issues), published shortly after the assassination.
• Official proclamation by the Palestine Police Force (trilingual: English, Arabic and Hebrew), offering a reward of 500 Palestine Pounds, with an addition of 1000 Palestine Pounds from the Jewish Agency, for information leading to the arrest and conviction of
Arlozorov's murderers; includes a physical description of the suspects ("sturdy build… clean shaven, fat face…). June 17, 1933.
• Additional items (some pertaining to various memorial projects and settlements to be named after Arlozorov).
Some 80 items. Size and condition vary. Overall good condition.