Auction 98 Early Printed Books, Chassidut and Kabbalah, Books Printed in Jerusalem, Letters and Manuscripts, Jewish Ceremonial Art
Large assorted collection of over forty books on various topics: Chassidut, ethics and homiletics, responsa and halachah, Talmudic and Torah novellae – distinguished copies belonging to Polish rabbis, with stamps, signatures and ownership inscriptions of rabbis, rebbes and Torah scholars of Poland and elsewhere. Some books are rare first editions.
The collection includes:
• Darchei Tzedek, Chassidic practices by R. Zechariah Mendel of Yaroslav, disciple of R. Elimelech of Lizhensk. Warsaw, 1844.
• Chinuch Beit Yehudah, kabbalistic and Chassidic homilies, by Rebbe Yaakov Tzvi Yalish of Dinov, author of Melo HaRo'im. Warsaw, 1869. First edition.
• Chidushei HaRim on Choshen Mishpat. Part I. Warsaw, 1870. First edition.
• Emet LeYaakov, Chassidic homilies on the Torah by Rebbe Yaakov Yitzchak Shapiro of Błędów and Mogielnica. Warsaw, 1888. First edition.
• Zechuta DeAvraham, homilies and novellae by Rebbe Avraham of Ciechanów. Warsaw, 1895. Stamps of R. "Moshe Nachum Yerushalimsky, Rabbi of Kielc and the region" [R. Moshe Nachum Yerushalimsky, Rabbi of Kielc (1855-1916), a leading author of responsa in his generation].
• Pri Tzadik, on the Torah and festivals, by R. Tzadok HaKohen of Lublin. Part I, on Bereshit, with Kedushat HaShabbat and Shevitat Shabbat. Lublin, 1901. First edition. Stamps of R. "Yisrael David Leineman, posek of Suchedniów".
• Keter Torah, novellae on the Talmud, Rashi, Tosafot and the Rambam, by R. Meir son of R. Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev. Warsaw, 1906. Ownership stamp of R. Chaim Yehudah HaLevi Silbermintz, Rabbi of Kuzmir [1835-1916, author of Chayil VeChosen, leading disciple of R. Mordechai Yosef of Izbica].
• Tiferet Yisrael, sayings of Rebbe Yisrael of Chortkov, by R. Yisrael Rappaport. Husiatyn, 1904. First edition. Stamp of author on title page: R. "Yisrael Rappaport – rabbi and posek of the Rebbe – Chortkov".
• Mayim Rabim, by R. Natan Nata HaKohen Dunner, Rabbi of Kolbiel. Warsaw, [after 1905]. Stamp of R. "Aharon son of R. Ch. Rabin – rabbi of Lanivtsi, Volhynia" [Rebbe Aharon Rubin, Rabbi of Lanivtsi (1870-1942), son of R. Moshe of Chudniv, a descendant of the Baal Shem Tov; perished in the Holocaust].
• Torat HaYehudi, Torah novellae by R. Yaakov Yitzchak, the Yid HaKadosh of Peshischa. Bilgoraj, 1911. First edition. At top of title page, large stamp of the publisher and commentator, R. "Yaakov Orner – Rabbi of Nasielsk and the region".
• Beit Yisrael, collected teachings of Rebbe Yisrael of Ruzhin and his sons. Piotrków, 1912. First edition. On endpaper, ownership inscription and stamp of R. Noach Varshaver of Botoșani, "son of… R. Chaim Moshe Ze'ev" [a rebbe of Warsaw, grandson of the Kav Chen of Karov].
For a more detailed listing, see the Hebrew description.
41 books. Size and condition vary. Signatures, stamps and some glosses. New bindings.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.
Collection of five books of halachah, homiletics and Talmudic novellae, containing the Torah teachings of rabbis of Poland and other lands. First editions. Distinguished copies, from the private library of R. Meir Shapiro, Rabbi of Lublin, founder of Daf Yomi and the Chachmei Lublin yeshiva.
The present copies contain R. Meir Shapiro's stamps from his tenure as Rabbi of Piotrków; library catalogue inscriptions [in his handwriting?]; stamps of the library of the Chachmei Lublin yeshiva; and various handwritten inscriptions. The books also contain stamps and a printed sticker of the Ministry of Religion for books that survived the Holocaust in Poland, and stamps of Israeli libraries.
• She'erit Natan by R. Natan, Rabbi of Dobromyl, son of the Pnei Yehoshua. Warsaw, 1897. First edition.
• Tzava Rav by R. Tzvi Hirsch, Rabbi of Berlin (grandson of the Chacham Tzvi). Piotrków, 1907. First edition. Wide margins.
• Shai LaMora, by R. Moshe Yoel [Hagerman], Rabbi of Czyżew and Żarnowiec, disciple of the Chidushei HaRim of Ger. Piotrków, 1911. First edition.
• Yavin Daat, by R. Yisrael Yehoshua Trunk, Rabbi of Kutno, with Chasdei Avot by his grandson, the publisher R. Yitzchak Yehudah of Kutno. Piotrków, 1932. On title page, handwritten dedication to R. Meir Shapiro by the "publisher and author" dated Chanukah 1932. On leaf 17, handwritten gloss [of R. Meir Shapiro?].
• Siach Pikudecha, on Bereshit, by R. Yeshayahu Chaskelberg of Warsaw and Różan. Bilgoraj, 1930. First edition. Approbations and lengthy pre-subscribers list including Polish rabbis and Chassidim.
R. Meir Shapiro (1887-1933), Rabbi of Glina, Sanok, Piotrków and Lublin, dean of the Chachmei Lublin yeshiva and founder of Daf Yomi, one of the founders of Agudat Yisrael and leading rabbi in his times. He was one of the youngest and most dominant rabbis in the Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah. An excellent orator, and an active communal worker, he was also a member of the Polish Sejm. R. Meir passed away without leaving behind any offspring, yet he himself would say that he has two children – the first being Daf Yomi, and the second the Chachmei Lublin yeshiva.
5 books. Size and condition vary. Overall good to good-fair condition. Stamps. New bindings.
PLEASE NOTE: Some lot descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to the Hebrew text.